ADHD is no fun. You are easily distracted, it is never really quiet in your head. Working, housework and studying can be real challenges. And you are always afraid of inconveniencing others with your chaos and busyness. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for ADHD. You can take medication or use therapy and life hacks to limit the damage. But those pills and tricks do not work for everyone with ADHD. Now another interesting medicine has emerged from unexpected quarters: psychedelics. Researchers from Maastricht University came up with a surprising study on the effect of microdoses on the many symptoms of ADHD. Read on quickly focused and take advantage of it!

Holism is a very broad term. Holism as a worldview or belief means that you believe everything is connected. A thought we see in many spiritual circles. This holistic approach is also very important in alternative medicine. In mainstream healthcare, such an overarching view and treatment is becoming increasingly normal. But on an individual level too, a holistic lifestyle is recommended. Because you too are more than a piece of skin with some organs in it. Attention to an ideal balance between all your separate parts; that would be the source of ultimate happiness. Just have to figure out what those essential parts are for you... Read all about holism and how a holistic lifestyle can help you here.

Looking for a secret storage box for your cash, cannabis, pills and other types of stash? After all: not everyone always needs to know what you have in your possession. Pickpockets, housemates and family, for example. Make sure your stash stays safe with you with our fun secret storage boxes in all shapes and sizes.

Your smoking buddy's birthday. Or you just want to give that stoner friend of yours a present out of the blue. What will make them happy as a cannabis lover? Here are our best gift ideas for stoners!

Indigenous peoples like the Incas and Mayans are said to do it. But even healing medium Jomanda could do it: channelling. Channelling is the practice where people contact deceased people and other entities. How this works and how you can learn to do it yourself, read here.

Crazy about coffee but afraid it's not healthy to drink caffeine every day? No fear! Coffee and caffeine have all sorts of healthy properties. So you can ignore the next influencer who tries to talk you into a coffee detox. Read all about what coffee and caffeine do to your body and mind here.

Aromatherapy uses specific scents and aromas to stimulate both physical and mental effects, going beyond simply enjoying pleasant smells such as freshly cut grass or perfume. Aromatherapy involves using scents or aromas to induce physical or mental relaxation, traditionally using plants, which are processed into oils. These are also called essential oils or essential oils. You then use them in a blissful bath or during a healing massage session.

Before the advent of exact sciences, technology and the internet, everything in the world was pure guesswork for us humans. Falling stars, thunderstorms, bad harvests, dreams, diseases: it was all a mystery and mysticism. Often such an event was given a spiritual explanation, which with today's eyes turned out to be nonsense. Is the advent of technology the end for spirituality? Certainly not! Read here what opportunities technology and the internet offer us spiritual people.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a brain chemical that plays an essential role in mood, sleep, and cognitive functions. It is also a crucial part of the brain's reward system. When dopamine levels get out of balance, it can have negative effects on your mental and physical well-being. In this blog, we explain what dopamine is and give tips on finding natural ways to prevent or reduce dopamine deficiencies.

In cases of unwanted childlessness, the woman is often automatically looked at. Yet in about half of the cases, the cause turns out to be the man. Often this has to do with sperm of reduced quality, such as low sperm count or reduced motility. Besides fertility, sperm count can also be important at other times, for instance when it comes to self-confidence and personal perception. If you notice that your sperm production is not optimal, there is good news: you can take steps yourself to improve it. Adjusting your diet can already make a difference. There are also specific supplements that can support your sperm production. In this article, we discuss what you can do to improve your sperm quality.

Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest tree species in the world, with a history dating back millions of years. The leaves of this tree contain bioactive compounds that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Today, Ginkgo Biloba is often sold as a supplement because of its purported health benefits. In this article, we discuss the history, proven effects and proper use of this special plant.

Chuchuhuasi is a remedy that has been used for centuries in South America, mainly by indigenous communities, for its potential health benefits. In this blog, you will discover what chuchuhuasi is, how it is applied and what considerations are important when using it.

Growing old in a healthy way is something most of us strive for. An energetic body is important, but don't forget your brain too. A healthy brain helps you stay active and happy for longer. By making the right choices now, you can contribute to the health of your brain. In this article, we share tips based on well-known health guidelines and insights from research.

Tobacco products have gained a negative reputation in recent decades because of the proven health risks of smoking. Yet tobacco has a rich history and has been used for thousands of years, especially in spiritual and ceremonial contexts. Indigenous communities, such as Aborigines in Australia and Native Americans, often used tobacco during rituals, but not always in the way we know it today.

An energetic day starts with a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, many people have quite a few problems with their sleep quality and would like to sleep better. Some lie awake for hours at night, while others are poor sleepers or sleepers. Too often, people say they are just a bad sleeper. While the truth is that most poor sleepers sabotage their own sleep quality and therefore lie awake at night.

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is one of the most controversial psychedelics in modern history. Discovered in the 1940s by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, LSD has had a fascinating journey: from a chance laboratory discovery to a symbol of counterculture. Although today there is renewed interest in LSD's scientific potential, its effects and risks remain the subject of intense debate.

Getting enough protein is important for a healthy body. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is plant-based protein powder. In this blog, we discuss what plant-based proteins are, their benefits, and how to use them safely and effectively.

Addictions are complex problems that are difficult to overcome. Can adaptogens play a supportive role in the recovery process? Adaptogens are substances used in traditional medicine that are believed to help balance the body and mind. In this blog, we discuss how adaptogens can potentially complement a healthy recovery process.

The effects of psilocybin, an active ingredient in magic mushrooms and truffles, are increasingly being studied by scientists. Although the use of psilocybin dates back thousands of years, it is only recently that researchers are trying to better understand how this drug affects the brain. Recent studies explore possible changes in brain activity caused by psilocybin use and what these changes might mean for mental health.

The use of mind-altering substances goes back thousands of years. What motivates people to use such substances? Although many people use drugs recreationally, there are other motivations too. Here we discuss four common reasons why people may use drugs. Keep in mind, however, that this article is informative only, with no recommendations for use.

The San Pedro cactus is known for its strong characteristics, but it can still suffer from various pests, such as spider mites, mourning flies and scale insects. Although this cactus generally requires little care, it can be useful to know how to recognise and control these pests to keep your San Pedro healthy. In this article, we share some safe, natural methods of pest control and preventive tips to keep your cactus in optimal condition.

You probably got this tip once from a blowing acquaintance or on a forum: take cannabis before exercise and you go like a rocket. Hard to believe for those who can't get off the couch after a joint. Fortunately, some smart people have looked into this striking claim. Does cannabis and hash really make you better at sports? Read here if -and why- it's better to clap a jonko before you hit the gym in future.

'Stepping out of the matrix' or 'breaking through the matrix'. The idea behind this is that you detach yourself from the system. The most extreme example is people who declare themselves sovereign, which makes them think they no longer have to abide by Dutch laws and tax obligations. Now we certainly won't recommend the latter to you, as it is guaranteed to cause misery. Still, it certainly can't hurt to explore whether you suffer any disadvantages from the proverbial matrix. Read here how you can free yourself from the rules and beliefs of others and choose more your own path.

Superfoods: it is impossible to imagine hip recipes and shop shelves without them. These superfoods are supposed to make us super-healthy. So we throw cocoa nibs and goji berries en masse over our breakfasts and knock back fierce health shots with a sour face. What exactly are superfoods, which ones are the healthiest and why?

Peroxide against acne, botox, exfoliators and creams full of unidentifiable substances... We smear all kinds of chemicals on our bodies and faces every day. Would you prefer to improve or heal your skin in a 100% natural way? You certainly can! Whether you have acne, dry skin or redness: with herbs and plant extracts you can heal your skin and make it shine. After all, humans have been doing this for thousands of years, long before ointments were made in the lab. The beauty is that you can already do a lot with simple ingredients. Read here what the best herbal treatments are for different skin ailments.

Suffering from stress? Your breathing is the way to relaxation. With breathing exercises, you can calm your central nervous system, thereby reducing feelings of stress. You can even trip sober, purely by doing certain breathing techniques. Breathwork is the official name for this practice. Read how you apply it and how exactly it works here.

Entheogens are drugs that have psychoactive effects. Trip aids, in other words. But embedded within a culture or religion. They are often local plants, used for the main purpose of spiritual development and alteration of consciousness. Several well-known and lesser-known psychedelics fall under entheogens. Read all about them here.

That cannabis can have many health benefits, even many medics won't deny, but unfortunately they don't prescribe cannabis by a long shot, which is why many people choose to self-medicate. In this blog, you can read what you can use cannabis for and we give some tips on what to look out for if you choose to do so.

Rigid and inflexible thought patterns can limit your freedom of being and even contribute to the development of mental symptoms, but magic mushrooms can have a positive impact on mental flexibility. Psilocybin can help loosen these thought patterns. In this blog, we discuss the results of a landmark study on this.

Shamanism is a religious movement or technique that revolves around a central figure: the shaman. This is different from religions around a god or gods such as Christianity, Hinduism or Islam. Because that shaman is a tangible and living person. That shaman is thought to have special powers that can help individuals and communities. For example, by acting as a medicine man. From being a healer to being able to communicate with the dead and other entities and worlds, this is what a shaman does all together.

Did you know that there are several animals that like to get high? And you don't even have to look far... Are these animals tripping for fun or not?

Eating resin: it probably wouldn't occur to you so soon. Consider it anyway, because resinous Shilajit is super healthy! It is a substance used within Ayurvedic medicine. To do so, it is scraped from the cracks of rocks in Asia. Not necessarily very easy to do for us Dutchies, but we have good news for you. With the addition of Shilajit extract to our range, it is now within reach for you too. Read how healthy Shilajit is and what effects it can have here.

Terence McKenna is one of the most famous psychonauts who ever lived. We write lived, because he sadly died far too early in the year 2000. Even though he was only 53 when he left the physical world, his legacy is vast. From protected nature reserves, interesting theories to books, wonderful docu and even musical input for psytrance greats. Read all about Terence McKenna's life and legacy here.

Within spiritual traditions and practices, it's mainly about the concept of 'energy'. Everything is made of energy and you can shift energies to create more flow and happiness. So the universe is made up of energy, and that vibrates at a certain frequency. People and emotions also have a frequency. Here, a low frequency is associated with negativity, a high one with happiness. This is why people strive to raise their frequency or vibration. Read here how this idea works and how you yourself can raise your frequency with several practical tips.

Want to lose weight? Then you could probably use a little help with that. Because losing weight and keeping it off is extremely difficult. Especially in today's society where tasty snacks and temptations fly around your ears. So try to ignore your appetite. But even exercising can sometimes feel like a bridge too far, because you don't have the energy for it. That is why we tell you here which plants and supplements can help you lose weight. In fact, there are several plants that can help you lose weight. Okay, it is often not a panacea like Ozempic. But these plants can help you with appetite suppression, more energy (useful if you want to exercise) and burning fat.

When bees make honey, they produce something extra healthy: propolis. Propolis is a sticky substance that the bees themselves use to keep bacteria, fungi and other threats to their health out of the hive. Without really realising it themselves, their method of production creates a very healthy good that has all kinds of benefits for humans too. The ancient Greeks realised this thousands of years ago and used it for wound care. Read all you need to know about it here!

It has been a huge hit on the menu of coffee shops for a few years now: matcha tea. Delicious as a matcha latte - a hot drink with a splash of (oat) milk - but also a delicious refreshment as an iced tea. This super-green drink made from green tea - but prepared just a little differently. Besides being delicious, matcha is also super healthy. Below, we tell you all about it and give you some tasty recipes - also to spackle on!

Kief, also called skuff, (star)dust or keef, is a cannabis concentrate that is much stronger than regular weed or hashish. The beauty of kief is that you can make it yourself. And it's very easy. All you need is a grinder. And the buds of cannabis plants, because that's where it comes from. Read on quickly to find out all about making your own kief.

Tantra is an ancient Indian philosophy that intrigues many people. There is a stigma attached to tantra that this practice is purely about sex, but nothing could be further from the truth! Basically, tantra is about connection and working with your energy. Read all about the history of tantra and how you can apply it yourself. In everyday life, but also in terms of your sexuality...

Have you been asked to be a trip sitter for someone? You might be wondering what exactly that entails. When you go tripsitting, you are watching a person who is tripping. It is an important role and therefore it is helpful if you know what is expected of you. In this blog, we explain all the things you need to watch out for.

Have you heard of neem oil? This natural oil can help control pests in cannabis cultivation. The advantage is that it is not harmful and you can protect your plants from disease and feeding in an eco-friendly way. In this blog, you will read what neem oil is and how to use it.

Magic truffles are not exactly known for their tastiness. So you don't drink truffle tea because it tastes so good, do you . But not to worry! With these recipes, your truffle tea will not only be delicious, but also a little healthier. Three birds with one stone: this is how to make a healthy, tasty and trippy tea.

Actually, all spices are healthy, but turmeric seems to be the absolute healthiest. This bright orange root has surprisingly many health benefits, all of which have been scientifically proven. From cancer to pain and intestinal problems, this yellow powder can work small miracles. And it is a delicious seasoning in yellow curries!

Whether it's a headache, menstrual pain or muscle ache: you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. If you are not into drugs, then we have good news: you can also fight pain with natural painkillers and plants. Some of them you will probably never have heard of. At least, not in the form of a painkiller! Read here how to relieve pain with plants and other natural remedies.

Ayurveda is an ancient alternative traditional medicine with roots in India. It is a holistic practice, focusing on a balance of energies in body and mind. Literally, Ayurveda therefore means 'knowledge of life'. A personalised approach is central to treatment methods. Every individual is unique, and so is every treatment or path to optimal health. Ayurveda is quite an alternative medicine, as it deviates quite a bit from our traditional approach with medication and science as its foundation. It is quite floaty and therefore not the best treatment for all ailments. Still, you can learn some pretty wonderful life lessons from it that will make you a healthier and happier person. Read everything you need to know about the principles of Ayurveda here.

Nature is awesome. Mad Honey's products show that! Mad Honey is special honey made by bees extracting nectar from the flowers of two rhododendron species. These contain a magical psychoactive substance that ends up in the honey. The result: mild hallucinations and a chill feeling.

Since this spring, weed has also been legal in Germany. Now. Also'... Actually, the Germans are currently more progressive in their cannabis policy than the Dutch are. Because with us, cannabis is still not really legal, but soft drugs are tolerated. Legalising weed is quite a remarkable move by our eastern neighbours. After all, Germany is not exactly known for their positive attitude towards jonko's hits. So that was not exactly something you could do leisurely in a park. Getting weed was also quite an adventure, literally knocking on strangers' doors in certain alleys and parks.

Beurre de Marrakech, also known as Moroccan hashish butter, is a traditional form of edibles that originated in Morocco. This special butter is made by infusing cannabis (usually hash) with butter, creating a potent base for various dishes and pastries. In this blog, we take a closer look at what beurre de Marrakech is, how to make it and how it can be used.

Yerba Mate is the coffee among teas. South Americans like to drink this herbal tea a lot for a good energy boost. It has since also found its way to the West. All the hipsters in Berlin, for instance, have been getting their energy from bottles of Club Mate for years, in which the main ingredient is of course Yerba Mate. But besides energy, drinking 'mate' has other benefits. It can also contribute to a healthy cholesterol profile, your heart health, inflammation and even lend a hand if you want to lose weight. Some people find that mate gives a finer energy kick than coffee because it is said to make you less nervous. Curious? Read all about this interesting little plant here.

Alkaloids are active substances found in plants and animals. They can be very healthy, but can also make you spackle. Well-known examples of alkaloids are caffeine, cocaine and nicotine. The psychoactive substance that makes you trip from magic mushrooms and magic mushrooms is also an alkaloid: psilocybin. Read everything you need to know about these natural products here.

For a clean body, you step into the shower or bath. But what do you do for a clean mind and soul? The answer: spiritual cleansing! You've probably heard the English term, 'spiritual cleansing'. In short, a 'cleanse'. With such a spiritual cleanse, you remove negative energies, get more in touch with your true self and with the world around you. Sounds good, right?

In the beautiful Amazon region, a miraculous plant grows among the many medicinal plants and trees: guarana. This little plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people for various purposes, including increased energy. In our modern world, you can find guarana in energy drinks and supplements. With these, you can boost your energy levels and focus. But the plant has even more health benefits! Read exactly how healthy guarana is here.

Cannabis use was always advised against for depression, as cannabis users were more often diagnosed with the condition. Hence, it was suspected that cannabis could actually cause or worsen depression. Now there is research indicating that it might actually help. In this blog, we look at what is now known about this.

There is nothing more annoying than getting out of bed in the morning and realising that you feel more tired than the night before because you slept badly. You wonder how to get through the day. Both physically and mentally, you usually cannot perform well when you have slept badly. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to boost your energy. In this blog, we give you 6 tips!

Germinating cannabis seeds in soil is a delicate process. Some growers, even if they have a lot of experience, run into problems. But most problems arise precisely because you do too much rather than too little. In this blog you will read what you can do to get your marijuana seeds through this period without too many problems.

The best music, the most mind-blowing atmosphere, dancing and partying until the sun rises again: if you love music and psychedelics, you must have been at one of these Psytrance festivals this year. In Europe, great festivals are taking place everywhere this summer. We list the best and most special ones for you below.

Nature is full of healthy plants and herbs that can perk up your body and brain. Some of them are super tasty too. With these herbs, you can not only give your meals an extra taste experience, but also strengthen your immune system, inhibit inflammation, calm your mind and improve your general health. Read here which ones are essential in your spice rack and meals. With these super-healthy herbs and spices, get the best of both worlds in your kitchen!

Weed butter, also known as cannabisbutter, is a versatile and popular ingredient in the world of edibles (edible cannabis products). It is made by infusing cannabis into butter, which releases the psychoactive components such as THC and CBD and absorbs them into the fat. This process results in a butter that differs from regular butter in both taste and effect. Cannabis butter is often used in various recipes to make edible cannabis products or cannabis food that can be used both recreationally and medicinally.

Incense is not just a fragrant tool to make your home more cosy or dispel the smell of jonko. These fragrant sticks have long been used in religious and spiritual rituals around the world. In ancient Egypt, Christianity and Buddhism, incense has a central place. American indigenous peoples were already burning Palo Santo and sage many centuries ago. Read all about the traditional uses of these fragrant rituals here.

Introspection is an important part of self-reflection and self-awareness. It literally means 'looking inside'. Here, you examine your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviour and analyse them to become a better person. So introspection allows you to gain a better understanding of yourself, your motivations and your goals. And so you can make strides and become a nicer and better person. It does take some work. You will almost literally encounter yourself and be confronted with less pleasant sides of yourself. But then you will have something! Here we tell you how to apply introspection in practice.

Information is everywhere, thanks to the internet. Great, all that knowledge at our fingertips. But there is a big drawback: we don't really know anymore what is correct and what is not. It sometimes seems as if scientists contradict each other. And so a lot of people fall for complete nonsense stories. The consequences can vary. You may lose a few tens because you buy a supplement that doesn't work. But your health may also be at risk. For instance, there are millions of people who don't eat gluten because a few influencers shout that wheat and bread are bad for you. Which, by the way, is not true, so by all means eat those croissants if you're feeling good about it. So what are sources you can trust? How and where can you find reliable information to make the right choices when it comes to drugs, supplements and your overall health?

Ginseng is a plant you see a lot in traditional Eastern medicine. Particularly in eastern Asia, for thousands of years. But it is also a popular plant used by many people in North America. What for? What for, you better ask! For instance, you will find it in potency enhancers and brain and energy boosters. It also inhibits inflammation and boosts your immunity. This tuber is therefore called the 'King of Herbs'. Read here why exactly!

Cocoa has been used in ceremonial contexts for centuries. Local cultures in the Americas have used it for spiritual and personal purposes for centuries. This is (unfortunately for chocolate lovers) not a sweet candy fest, as you are consuming pure and raw cacao. This is not nearly as tasty as a processed chocolate bar, but many times healthier. It also has spiritual effects. Ceremonial cocoa, for instance, is said to put you in touch with your true self. But above all, a cocoa ceremony is meant to be done in groups. You can travel to shamans living deep in the jungle for this, but you can also do ceremonial cocoa yourself. Read all about this magical drink here.

Fresh Mushrooms is a well-established brand that the average psychonaut will surely know from their 100% Mycelium Magic mushroom grow kits. Fresh Mushrooms has a suitable kit for every tripper. From the Golden Teacher to the McKennaii and grow kits with shrooms from all over the world. And whether you are a mushroom novice or just like looking for an extra potent strain. What their grow kits have in common is that they are very easy to use. Minimal effort and a maximum harvest of mushrooms, is in summary what you can expect from FreshMushrooms.

A life full of abundance, happiness, love and success: not for you do you think? Yet it is! With the power of manifesting, you can realise your dreams, ambitions and desires. Facts. There is even a law named after it, so then it must be true. The Law of Attraction, no doubt you know it. But of course, it is not simply a matter of shouting that you want something and then having it thrown into your lap. You have to put a bit of work and action into it. Here, we will teach you all about this amazing technique and how you can apply it in your soon-to-be happier life.

Karma is a concept familiar to everyone. By doing something good, you score karma points. In turn, 'wrong' behaviour is bad for your karma. The philosophy behind karma is that actions have consequences. How exactly it works is laid down in 12 laws of karma. Read all about these principles and how to apply them here. And... whether you believe in them or not: you probably agree that the world would be a much nicer place if everyone lived according to this philosophy. Moreover, you probably think you are a nicer person when you live more consciously according to the laws of karma. So take advantage of it!

Do you want more peace of mind, work on yourself, achieve certain life goals and know how to grow internally? Then journaling is a very smart move. Keeping a journal is more than spitting your bile in a diary. It goes many steps further and is a really good tool for personal growth. This is because journaling allows you to reflect and feel more connection with your true self. You can also hurl your wishes for the future into the universe by manifesting these things in your journal. Then you have to do something with it of course - but don't underestimate the power of your pen! Read here how to put your soul's feelings on paper through journaling and turn them into personal and spiritual growth.

Detoxing means cleansing your body of certain harmful chemicals, but did you know you can also do a THC detox? When you use cannabis, THC stays in your body for a longer period of time. You may want to temporarily stop using cannabis to detox or your intention is to stop altogether. In this blog, we explain how to approach a THC detox and what you should and should not do.

Qat, besides being a nice scrabble word, is also a stimulating plant. In parts of Africa and the Arab world, people chew on the leaves of the plant to get more energy and a better mood. Sounds good? Here we tell you all about the uses and effects of qat.

A common question people ask is when is the best time to take medicinal mushrooms on a normal day. Actually, it is not so important when you take a dose, more important is that you take medicinal mushrooms consistently and over a longer period of time. Nevertheless, there are certain unique effects of certain mushrooms that you can take into account. Therefore, in this blog, we explain the best time to take your dose.

Magic truffles, also known as psilocybin truffles, are a fascinating natural product that has been used for spiritual and religious purposes for centuries. These psychedelic substances, derived from certain fungal species, have the potential to induce profound and transformative experiences that transcend the boundaries of our consciousness. In this blog, we take a closer look at the relationship between magic truffles and spirituality.

You have no doubt caught on if you are into supplements and health: the uproar around ashwagandha. A supplement that has been used traditionally for centuries and has now gained many fans in the West. Didn't hear about the riot? Or do you wonder how harmful ashwagandha is now? We'll bring you right up to date below.

Maca root, maca for short, is a supplement that is gaining increasing attention from the general public. The main reason: this 'Peruvian ginseng' is said to boost your libido and sexual performance. Whatever your gender. It is therefore a common ingredient in several of our erotic products. It could also help with fertility problems. Read all about maca, its effects and possible risks here.

Almost everyone who has ever had sex or drugs will have combined the two at one time or another. Officially, you are having chem sex at such a time: sex under the influence of substances. In the chemsex scene, these are usually heavy narcotics and stimulants made in drug labs. This way, you can go on for hours; having a good time all the way through, with or without a bunch of total strangers. But you can also have chemsex under the influence of psychedelics, cosy with just the two of you. Does that sound more appealing to you? Then read on quickly. Below, we dive into the world of psychedelic 'party and play': sex under the influence of psychedelics.

Erection problems: almost everyone with a penis experiences them at some point. Often, such a breakdown is a one-off. For example, you are tense or a little too high. 1 in 10 people with a penis suffer from this with regularity. The impact of not being able to get a boner can be huge. Relationships come under pressure, for example. And the self-confidence of the person in question can take a big hit. Sometimes you can't do anything about it, but often there is a cause. There are also various solutions available. From lifestyle improvements to herbs and other remedies, these potentially help with erection problems.

Spirulina: you have probably heard of this bright green goodness. This supplement is sold in capsules and as powder, but you will also find it regularly in smoothies and healthy shots. But how healthy is spirulina really? And what exactly does it contain? Read all about its health benefits here.

Spirituality is about many things: meaning-making, connecting with the earthly and otherworldly, personal deepening, heightened awareness and compassion. Just to name a few things. It is common for people who have a spiritual awakening to see their beliefs change. And so it is that quite a lot of spiritual people go vegan, or at least consider it. Read all about the relationship between veganism and spirituality in this article.

Like meditation, fasting is a good way to get to know yourself and clear your mind. Fasting and spirituality are not entirely surprisingly linked. You see this in various religions, for example, from Muslim Ramadan to Jewish traditions, Buddhists and Hindus. But you don't have to believe in a god to reap the spiritual benefits of fasting. Read here why fasting fits into a spiritual life and how to go about it.

A bong, also known as a bong, is a handy tool for smoking cannabis. Some smokers find it a nicer method of getting high than, say, a jonko with tobacco. Bongs can be bought in all kinds of designs, from impressive glass works of art to petite and practical pipes. But you can also make your own bong. Read here how to make a bong step by step.

You may know ketamine mainly as a recreational drug, but it is actually a strong anaesthetic. If you break a leg on the football pitch, you might get a shot of ketamine to get you through the rest of the day. However, 'Keta','ket' or 'K' has also recently become known for its ability to treat psychological symptoms. In particular, people with therapy-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seem to benefit from ketamine. But besides the potential life-enhancing effects, there are also risks associated with using ketamine for psychological complaints... Read all about the opportunities offered by this so-called 'ketatherapy' here.

Traditional Chinese medicine, known internationally as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a millennia-old holistic healing method. Needless to say, this medicine was and is used in China. But countries in the region also make use of the knowledge and skills from TCM and overarching Oriental medicine. It is seen by other sciences as a woolly pseudoscience, but you will be surprised how much evidence is now being found for various traditional practices within this ancient science. However, this is offset by many totally unproven claims... Read here what exactly TCM means and the best remedies you can take according to this medicine.

If you ask tourists about the icons of the Netherlands, they will mention tulips, cheese and windmills. Boomers might start talking about the dykes and delta works. However, younger generations also know the Netherlands as a drug country. Cannabis, magic mushrooms, truffles and the harder stuff like XTC and ketamine; we have it all. Drug tourism, meanwhile, is becoming a headache in Amsterdam. Englishmen and other tourists come to our capital purely to get very stoned or high for a few days. And in the process combine drink and drugs like it's nothing.

If you have just started to delve into the world of cannabis, you may be wondering what the differences are between hash and weed. There are all sorts of cannabis-based products available, from cannabis seeds and edibles to hashish. It's good to know exactly what is what, so you can choose the right product for you. In this blog, you will read what hash and weed are, how they differ, but also how they are similar.

Nowadays, we spend a lot of time on our smartphones and social media, and the question is: how does all that media affect your trip? Just like in a dream, while tripping you may come across things you have seen on your phone during the day. So surfing the internet can indeed affect your trip. It can be positive, but also negative.

LSD, short for lysergic acid di-ethylamide, is a very strong hallucinogenic drug. LSD is known for the long and intense trip you can experience with it, although the latter depends mainly on the dose. It is capable of changing your reality considerably. Hence its affectionate nickname 'Alice', after Alice in Wonderland. So don't underestimate this drug! Read all about it here. What should you know about LSD before you start?

Are you always sick and seem to take every virus home with you? Incredibly frustrating! So how can you boost your resistance? There are several strategies you can employ to improve your immune system. From behaviour to nutrition and supplements, these are the best, scientifically proven tips to improve your resistance.

Elderly people seem to function better when they use medical cannabis, research shows. More and more elderly people are using this natural remedy because of health benefits. THC and CBD affect many processes in the body. But what can it help with, and is it safe for the elderly? In this blog, we take a closer look at this.

Recently, mushroom drops have been on the rise, but the question is whether they are as safe to take instead of regular mushrooms, beer or a pill. The advantage is that they are easy to dose, but not much is known about their safety. Mushroom drops are a new designer drug. In this blog, we explain exactly what they are, what the effects are and whether it is a good idea to go for these drops.

Hashish and cannabis have been making people stoned for many centuries. Yet they are two very different substances, if you ask the connoisseur and enthusiast. Apart from the effects, the difference lies mainly in the way it is made. But how exactly is hashish made? And is it much different now in modern times than it was hundreds of years ago? Read here how exactly hash is made.

If you use psychedelics and benefit or enjoy them, you would prefer to tell the whole world. And of course show your friends and loved ones how valuable tripping or microdosing can be. In therapy, too, it would help clients if use of psychedelics is discussable. Unfortunately, this is not the case with every mental health provider. Despite our country being quite progressive, there is still quite a stigma attached to psychedelic use. Especially among healthcare providers. A missed opportunity, because more and more studies are showing that mind-altering drugs have a lot of potential in therapeutic settings. If you would still like to be open about your experiences with people around you, here are some tips for you.

That there was once real 'coca' in Coca Cola, you've probably already heard. But then where did the second part of that brand name come from? The answer: cola nut! And this ingredient too made a glass of Coca Cola a refreshing pick-me-up. So what is this 'cola nut' magical stuff? In a nutshell, cola nut is a hefty nut or mega-seed that West Africans have long enjoyed. In the 19th century, this nut found its way to the West. And so, thanks to an inventive pharmacist, it found its way into Coca Cola in 1880,

It's February and that means Valentine's Day is coming up! The day of love, but love can be filled in broadly of course... Do you fancy a sexy Valentine's Day this year? Then we can definitely help you with that. Read here how to make this day a party in bed and excite your partner. Not everyone is blessed with a high sex drive. Could you or your partner/spouse use a libido boost? Then read our recent article on natural aphrodisiacs! Nature provides all kinds of healthy aphrodisiacs. And so in our shop too. Some of our favourites...

Designer drugs are also called new psychoactive substances (NPS). Another name used by sellers is research chemicals. This is because they are supposedly intended only for research, and not for ingestion. Of course, the reality is different, as everyone knows! The market for these research chemicals is huge and keeps growing. This is very easy to do, because they are legal. So what are the latest trends in designer drugs? And what should you look out for when buying them?

When you use psychedelics like LSD, magic truffles or DMT, you can't escape it: visuals, or visual effects. Depending on how strong your trip is, everything becomes more colourful, you see extra patterns or entities or the world around you even becomes unrecognisable. But where do these visuals actually come from? How is it that your brain produces such visual effects when you trip?

Damiana is a plant traditionally used for various purposes. The main one: improving your sex drive and bed performance. Literally a potent plant! Besides boosting your libido, it is said to reduce anxiety and stress, calm your stomach and stomach and can give a slight high. Read here which of these claims about damiana are proven effects.

Do you have therapy for PTSD, depression or anxiety yourself, and want to know if psychedelics could do something for you? Then it is important to be aware of the possibilities. After all, you cannot just mention to your therapist that you want to add MDMA, magic mushrooms or other psychedelics to your therapy.

Coffee, energy drinks or heavier stimulants can provide you with a solid energy boost. Sometimes it is just a little too firm. The result: overstimulation and nervousness. Very inconvenient when you just need energy to get things done. Fortunately, there are several natural sedatives that can help. With these herbs and plants, you can restore your inner peace and calm your nerves.

Almost anything can be vaped - but you need to know what. That is why in this article we address the question: what is best to put in a vape? We also give you tips for making your own vape with mind-altering substances like cannabis and DMT. Because you can just put that in too!

In our shop, you will not only find ready-made products for psychedelic experiences, but also grow kits and seeds. These allow you to grow your own psychedelics. Totally legal! After all, it gives a trip that extra something when you know you're spiking on your own cultivated substances. That's why you'll find a complete overview of trip drugs you can grow at home here. What will be your next project?

Have you heard of Ololiuqui? These seeds from the Rivea corymbosa plant have been used for centuries in Aztec cultures. What can you use it for? Tripping! These 100% natural seeds have the potential to give you an LSD-like trip. This article tells you everything you need to know about Ololiuqui, its effects and how to use it.

Many cannabis users recognise it: dry and red eyes after blowing weed or hash. While smoking or after eating your edible, it starts, and with a bit of bad luck, you're left with sticky eyelids and red eyes the next day. Why do you sometimes get such dry and red eyes from weed? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

Blowing, tripping and spacing is hearty fun and valuable. But sometimes you suddenly get nauseous. How can this happen? And more importantly, how do you prevent it? Read here what you can do in case of nausea while tripping on magic mushrooms, truffles and other psychedelics. Nausea is one of the most common unwanted side effects of psychedelics. Even people who never suffer from this in everyday life can still suddenly become lousy during a trip. Where does this come from?

Tobacco smoking is a common habit, but also one of the most difficult addictions to get rid of. Smoking kills 8 million people a year, 1.3 million of whom do not even smoke themselves (but are passive smokers). Half of smokers die because of this habit. Shocking figures, yet a quarter of the world's population smokes. 70% of smokers want to quit, but only 5% succeed 'cold turkey; without aids and medication'.

Want to know exactly how strong your bought or grown mushrooms or truffles are? That's smart! Mushrooms in particular can vary considerably in strength: one harvest can be 10 times stronger than another. That strength is determined by the amount of psilocybin your trip medicine contains. With your naked eye, you can't see how much it is. With the Psilo-Q-test, you can be on the safe side. It shows you how potent the magic mushrooms or truffles are in your hands. And the best part is: it only takes 30 minutes. Read how to use this psilocybin test kit here.

CBD oil has a rather distinct taste. Would you even call the taste experience 'gross'? For you, 24High has something new: flavoured CBD oil. That way, without competing with the flavour of CDB drops, you can still enjoy the health benefits of this little substance.

When you go tripping on magic mushrooms, truffles or other psychedelics, you often let the moment guide you. Totally fine! Most trippers sometimes struggle with the end of a trip, when things slowly wear off. What is the best thing to do at that moment to keep yourself entertained and comfortable? Here our tips for the best possible end to a psychedelic trip.

'Normal' truffles are a true delicacy. Some are so rare and beloved that the price per kilo can skyrocket. For instance, an enthusiast recently paid a tonne for a white truffle weighing not even a kilo. Magic truffles could also be said to have a distinct flavour. But you won't hear users call it a delicacy. Not exactly a fan of the taste of magic truffles? Then you can also incorporate them into a culinary delight or simple recipe. That way you kill two birds with one stone: a tasty snack and the positive effects of a serving of truffles.

Psychedelics trigger all kinds of things in us. They provide us with uniquely enlightening insights and life lessons, for instance. But psychedelics have also regularly contributed significantly to the creation of art. From music to paintings, films and books, these are some of the finest examples of how psychedelic experiences have been used in art. Some will undoubtedly surprise you!

After the cannabis harvest, you can't enjoy your cannabis right away. Drying and curing cannabis is an important step if you want to preserve the plant's optimal strength and aroma. Drying allows you to get all the water out of the buds, making them easier to smoke. And curing, which takes a few weeks, gives your weed a lovely, smooth aroma. So it's worth applying these techniques. This blog tells you how to do it.

In the world of Dutch cannabis culture, the term "jonko clapping" is a familiar one, especially among young people and in street slang. The term has a specific meaning in the cannabis community and is much more than just an action; it is part of a culture. In this blog, we dive deeper into what "jonko rolling/clapping" means, and explore its context and usage in cannabis street slang.

Do you also want a miracle garden full of mind-blowing herbs? If you have a garden (or balcony), you can choose what to plant here. Do you go for plain geraniums and hosta or do you put powerful, colourful flowers in your garden, like Yopo or Morning Glory? Are you curious? Then read more about which plants are suitable to put in your own garden below.

Fancy a night out? You might have thought of combining drinks or different kinds of drugs. But you should still be careful, because some types of mind-altering drugs really don't combine well. They can have unexpected and dangerous consequences. Therefore, in this blog we explain which drinks and drugs are better not to take together.

There is an app for everything these days. So too for those going tripping: the Field Trip app guides you on that inner journey. The makers of the app: Field Trip Health, a chain of clinics that tackle mental problems with psychedelics like truffles or magic mushrooms. Their mission with this app: to be your 'psychedelic guide' before, during and after your trip. How does this app work and is it something for you?

Many people nowadays choose natural remedies to treat pain conditions. Chronic pain can seriously hamper you in your daily life and the regular painkillers that are often prescribed can then help a lot. However, these bring with them the necessary side effects. Is it therefore a good idea to combine CBD and Traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic pain? In this blog, we explain what the benefits are and how effective these remedies are for pain symptoms.

Of the substances you can microdose with in this article, not all are legal. That makes some substances a little easier to get hold of than others. Want to go 100% legal? Then these are your options, from easy to more tricky:

Music is a great addition to a psychedelic trip on magic mushrooms, truffles, LSD, DMT and other psychedelics. It can make your trip experience very intense, or lighter. Music can almost literally take you by the hand and make the trip go in a certain direction. It can also put you back on the right, happy path during an (almost) bad trip. Are you a beginner when it comes to psychedelic music and want some tips? Here are some top artists to listen to while tripping.

Want to control what you dream and make all your fantasies come true while you sleep? Keeping a dream diary will help you learn this skill called lucid dreaming. A dream diary helps you remember dreams and recognise them as such faster - the trick to lucid dreaming. Read here how exactly to keep such a diary and what all you need to consider if you want to direct your dreams from now on.

A psychedelic or spiritual trip can be quite an experience. All kinds of thoughts can enter your mind. About how the world works, for instance, but also about how you yourself work. Just like with a sober impressive experience, you can learn a lot from a trip. But you probably know that you quickly forget such lessons and ideas. After which you do nothing with them. A shame, of course

In our shop, you will find all kinds of natural medicinal herbs or psychoactive mind-altering substances. You can take large portions of these, for tripping or to get a nice high, for instance. But with many of the substances in our smart and head shop, you can also microdose. You probably already know that these magic mushrooms lend themselves perfectly to a cure for

Besides the world of magic mushrooms, you'll find all kinds of magic truffles in our webshop. With these, you can microdose, i.e. take small amounts, or go for a spiritual trip with a large portion. But why take magic truffles in the first place? What are the benefits of magic truffles, from microdoses to larger doses?

Would you like to grow your own cannabis? Or have you made previous attempts to raise cannabis plants, which unfortunately failed? Know that growing cannabis can be quite a challenge. A cannabis plant is more sensitive than you think. But if you get it right, you can count on a big harvest. Read about all the challenges and problems you can encounter when growing cannabis, indoors and outdoors.

The Amazon forest is also known as the world's biggest medicine cabinet. Those who fall ill here do not even have to leave the entire rainforest to find cures. The Amazon is home to 80,000 plant species, which is extremely large. By comparison, the Netherlands has 3,900 plant species. A significant proportion of the plants in the Amazon are medicinal. A magical place, then! Not least because, in addition to medicinal plants.

Could your sex life or libido use a boost, or do you want to be able to last longer in bed? Then take a look at our aphrodisiacs: aphrodisiac products that enhance your sexual pleasure and performance. The good thing is: nature is secretly full of them! Read here which plants can help you in bed.

Anyone who has been to Thailand recently will have noticed something: the prominence of cannabis on the streets. And that is unique for a country in Asia, where an active fondness for cannabis usually gets you a fat jail sentence. Now, cannabis is legal in few countries, but Southeast Asia in particular punishes use and possession severely.

Ever heard of kambo? This traditional medicine comes from deep in the Amazon jungle and has long been used there by locals. What makes kambo unique is that it comes from a frog! This special little animal secretes a substance from its glands, and you can give your body and consciousness a big whack with that. Don't ask us how the locals ever found out about this... But we can tell you all about why and how people use kambo. Read here what kambo is, what effects it has and which people can benefit from it.

You can't just smoke cannabis - you can also incorporate it into recipes to make edibles. This is not only healthier for your lungs, but also delicious. Moreover, edibles give a distinctly different experience from smoking. Want to make sure you incorporate cannabis into your food the right way? Here you will find everything about cooking with cannabis: from the right dosage and ingredients to our favourite recipes.

Looking for a calmer mind? Then meditation is a great way to relax mentally and physically. Meditation is ideally suited for people struggling with stress or constantly racing (negative) thoughts. Do you recognise yourself in this? Then this article is for you! Read here what you can do to get more out of your meditation.

Did you know that after water, coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world? The stimulating substance caffeine is what most likely makes coffee so popular. The same goes for energy drinks. Unfortunately, caffeine is not everyone's best friend. Some people get restless or nervous from it. Still looking for a good substitute that can give you a boost? These are the best alternatives to caffeine and coffee.

If you eat mushrooms regularly, then you are doing good. Mushrooms are fungi that contain a large amount of healthy substances that can support our mental, emotional and physical health. Consequently, more and more research is being done on the positive effects of mushrooms. In this blog, we give you 5 reasons why you should consume more mushrooms.

5-HTP is a dietary supplement mainly used to improve mood. This amino acid is a precursor of the happiness chemical serotonin, which incidentally is also involved in the regulation of sleep and appetite. Therefore, it seems that 5-HTP can also help people with sleep problems and excessive appetite reduce them. Read all about this supplement and what you can use it for here.

Jumping out of the band once in a while should be allowed; except that the hangover that often follows this is often not very welcome. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it these days! The Refresh Sober Up anti-hangover pill is specially designed for this purpose. So say goodbye to those broke days. Read all about this magic pill that will get you back on your feet in no time.

Have you ever done truffles or magic mushrooms at home, or somewhere in nature with friends? Or are you completely new to this field and ready for your first spiritual experience with these natural trip aids? Then definitely consider participating in a spiritual mushroom or truffle ceremony. Indeed, with the right setting and guidance, you can experience a deep and meaningful trip that will stay with you all your life. Here, we tell you all about what such a ceremony looks like and what to look out for when picking the right provider.

Should you ever find yourself in Peru, be sure to visit the Belén market in Iquitos. This market actually has an entire section for psychonauts and shamans, also called Shaman's Alley. Here you can find all kinds of traditional herbs, plants and medicines used for spiritual purposes, healing rituals or just a solid trip. One of the most famous and fascinating remedies found at the Belén market in Iquitos

Preparation is half the battle, and this is certainly true for a magic mushroom trip. There are all sorts of ways to prepare for a spiritual trip on magic mushrooms. For instance, it is smart not to eat too much the hours or day before the trip. A comfortable trip environment, the right company and a nice playlist can also make quite a difference. It is also wise to go into a trip with a healthy, relaxed mindset. A good

In the Netherlands, we are naturally incredibly spoiled when it comes to cannabis. Not only can you easily get top cannabis, we are also allowed to grow it ourselves. And that gives you full control over the quality of the harvest. But great cannabis can also be found outside our cannabis paradise. In the smokers scene, the American cannabis strain Cali Weed is highly regarded. Cali weed refers to the state from which it originates: California. When it comes to marijuana, it is the most progressive state in the USA. And you can think a lot about America, but one thing is for sure: they like it strong.

When you want to start growing cannabis, you will no doubt come across the term cannabis strain. These are names like Pineapple Kush, Purple Haze and Blue Cheese. These are varieties of cannabis, strains that each have their own unique characteristics. In this blog, we explain exactly what strains are and what you should know about them.

Ayahuasca was until recently an obscure drug that no one was familiar with, except indigenous tribes. Nowadays, that has changed. You too will undoubtedly know someone who has done 'Aya'. Or maybe you have attended a ceremony yourself, in the jungle of Peru or just in our little country. But what is Ayahuasca actually used for? Could you benefit from a ceremony with this potent psychedelic brew?

Looking for more energy? You're definitely not the only one! Almost everyone sometimes or often thinks: why am I so tired? You can get extra energy, for instance, with various natural remedies that give you an instant boost. But don't forget to look at your overall lifestyle. Chances are that you can make the necessary adjustments there, so that you wake up a lot fresher and more energetic from now on. Fortunately, there are countless ways to boost your energy levels naturally. Here our best tips for more energy, from supplements to long-term solutions.

Anyone who has seen the film Inception will have wondered: how can I influence my dreams? Self-determining what you dream is called lucid dreaming. Going as deep as in Inception will probably be impossible. But with a little effort and support, you really can get a lot more out of your dreams than you think. For instance, there are several techniques you can use for this purpose. There are also natural supplements that can make your dream world a great place. Here are all kinds of tips to help you master lucid dreaming.

Mushrooms are fascinating and many people are curious about the effects of psilocybe mushrooms. Unfortunately, they are not fresh and readily available. But if you've ever dreamed of growing your own fungal paradise in the comfort of your own home, a mushroom growing kit might be just what you need. In this article, we delve into the world of magic mushroom grow kits, from legality to the different grow kits.

When you take psychedelics, anything can happen. If you take more than a microdose, you will start experiencing different effects. In general, you can say that your perception of the world changes. Visually, for example: from seeing more colours and patterns, to gnome colonies or your ancestors from another universe. Other senses, your mood, perception of time, mental and physical energy...

Would you like to grow your own magic mushrooms from spores, but have no idea where to start? No worries, we're going to introduce you to a handy technique called Liquid Culture. With Liquid Culture, you can grow magic mushroom mycelium quickly and easily. In this article, we will explain to you what Liquid Culture is, how to use it and where to buy a Liquid Culture kit.

The fact that humans use mind-altering substances is quite extraordinary and especially that we have been doing so for thousands of years. Terrence McKenna wrote a book about it and argued that the use of such substances initiated and underpinned the development of our brains. The question is whether this is really so. Scientists disagree. In this blog, we look at exactly what the theory means.

As the Dutch, we should consider ourselves really lucky with the legislation surrounding cannabis. As one of the few countries, cannabis is legal with us. We are allowed to buy, use and possess it. Even growing cannabis ourselves is allowed. Besides the Netherlands, there are a number of other nations where weed is okay under the law. Find out in which countries of the world the use of cannabis is legal.

Are you one of those people who think "this could be stronger" while tripping? Do you feel that your trip buddies see and feel more than you every time? Does an ordinary serving of magic mushrooms or truffles barely impress you? In short: are you looking for a way to enhance your psychedelic mushroom or truffle trip and make it more intense? Read here how, among other things, an MAOI helps you take psychedelics to the next level.

Rapé, also known as snuff, is snuff with a rich indigenous tradition. Originally, it was used by South American peoples in ritual settings. While it contains nicotine, it certainly does not compare to casual cigarette smoking. Read all about the history of rapé here. How and why do you use it and what are the effects?

Are you already familiar with Wise Rootz, a new way of microdosing with truffles, cocoa and medicinal mushrooms? Combining psilocybin with other brain-stimulating natural substances is becoming increasingly popular. And for a reason: individually, these substances are already effective in boosting your brain, mood and performance. If you combine them with each other, they will reinforce and complement each other. Read all about the combo of psilocybin with cocoa and mushrooms like Cordyceps here. What can this so-called microdosing stack do for you?

Cannabis plants have a fairly predictable life cycle, mainly following the light. An outdoor cannabis plant tracks when and how long it is light outside and shoots into flowering based on that. Knowing when your cannabis plant flowers gives you an indication of when you can harvest. Valuable knowledge, in other words! Find out when the flowering period starts here, so you know what to expect from your outdoor cannabis plant.

Have you ever experienced a bad trip and are now a bit hesitant to use psychedelics again? Quite understandable, because a bad trip can even be a bit traumatic. Especially if you didn't see it coming. But rest assured: you don't have to leave tripping completely. With these tips, you can pick up the threads of tripping after a bad trip.

DMT is considered the strongest trip drug by most psychonauts. Although it gives you a short trip of about 20 minutes, it can be incredibly intense and life-changing. DMT is a natural substance found in our bodies in very small quantities. But where does the stuff you use to trip come from? Fortunately, it is not extracted from humans, but simply from nature. Find out which plants and herbs contain DMT here. You might be surprised to know that some just grow in our country

Canary grass has a harmless name, but it certainly isn't... In fact, you are not dealing with bird food here, but with a very strong trip drug. At least: from this plant you can extract DMT, which is one of the strongest psychedelic drugs in existence. Read all about canary grass here. How to grow it...

A pertinent question for the outdoor grower: when is it smart to start giving your cannabis plant nutrition? Because that it needs nutrition to grow optimally is a fact. You need some...

Ever heard of microdosing stacking with the Paul Stamets stack? This is a way of microdosing for the real pros in this field. With microdosing, as you probably already know, you use a fraction of a normal dose..

Depression is the most common mental illness in the Netherlands. GPs are quick to prescribe regular medication for depression, the commonly used antidepressants. But natural remedies can often be just as effective and have less...

Copaiba: chances are you have never heard of this before and are now rightly thinking: what is it? Like most of our products, this is a natural product with several potential health benefits attached to it. Read here which ones they all are...

Even though you try so hard to work on your health, it can be quite difficult in today's society. You are tempted on all sides with unhealthy snacks and stress can prevent you from exercising or cooking...

Whether you use them for pleasure, spiritual depth or simply for their psychedelic effect, using magic mushrooms is a fine addition to many people's lives. There are many different ways to use...

Have you heard of skullcap (also known as Skullcap)? This little plant has been used in Asia and America for centuries. But it can also be of great use today. For instance, you could use it for sleeping problems...

When you have had a pleasant day with friends, taken a nice walk in the woods, or enjoyed a romantic dinner with your partner, you feel satisfied and happy. Valuable activities ensure this, you...

Stress, tension and anxiety are common complaints these days. Everyone has to-do lists that do not get finished, we have so much on our minds that our concentration suffers and we are constantly brooding. We don't get around to relaxing...

You've probably heard of it before - cannabis - also known as marijuana. It is a plant that has been used for thousands of years for recreational and other purposes. It contains a number of active substances, including THC and CBD, which are...

Are you already familiar with the Mindfold: a special blindfold for those who like to get away from it all while tripping? The creator of this amazing product that every tripper should have is none other than Alex Grey. This psychonaut creates stunning trippy...

Guayusa - besides being quite a tongue twister - is a herb from the Amazon rainforest that indigenous people have used for centuries as a healthy pick-me-up. The leaves of this tree, which can grow...

Are you planning to use psychedelic truffles? Then of course you want the best possible experience. But one truffle is not the other. So how do you know if the psychedelic truffles you have in your...

Determining which dose of magic mushrooms or truffles works best for you is a tricky question, with no single answer really. Sometimes shrooms or trip nodules are used to trip heavily with a high dose...

Fan of cannabis in any form? Whether you're an avid blower, love edibles or just stick to growing weed: 4:20 lifestyle apparel suits you! Not familiar with the term "4:20"? Let us enlighten you... This is a synonym...

Growing mushrooms can be a great experience, but it does require some planning and preparation. Since you are not the first to take up this fun hobby, there is no need for you to reinvent...

Cordyceps mushrooms are the latest craze, originating from traditional Eastern medicine. However, these medicinal mushrooms are not a trip drug for a change. Also, they are secretly not...

You see it popping up more and more on social media or maybe you've already read a thing or two about it. Microdosing. Taking very small amounts of psilocybin to experience health benefits without...

Many people know you can grow your own mushrooms with a magic mushroom grow kit, but did you know you can also grow your own magic truffles? It's a great way to save money and get a high-quality end...

A stoner room is the ideal place to use weed. A comfortable place to relax, be yourself and have everything you need. Of course, you can also get high on the beach or at a party. But sometimes you want to...

If you are thinking about trying magic mushrooms, you might be wondering what the differences are between fresh and dried mushrooms. If you ask experienced cosmonauts about it, you will probably...

Spring is coming, and with it, the best time to sow your outdoor cannabis! A great hobby that you can do just fine in your backyard or balcony. But then you need to know how to go about it. And you have to...

Ever heard of the herb Erythrina Mulungu? This Brazilian little tree has found its way to the Netherlands as a medicinal and mind-boosting remedy. The products derived from this small tree have several...

Parkinson's disease unfortunately affects around 53,000 people in the Netherlands. You can recognise Parkinson's disease by tremors of the hands, arms, legs or face and stiffness of the joints. Although...

When you grow your own mushrooms with a grow kit, you may encounter many different colours. Sometimes your mushrooms will turn blue, which raises quite a few questions. Where does the...

CBD has become very popular in recent years, with many people using it for sleep problems, PMS, mood issues or pain. But no package leaflet is given with CBD and you are supposed to find the right dosage yourself. You may therefore wonder if it...

Mushrooms and truffles have been used by humans for centuries. For fun, as microdosing experiments or with the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment...

Want to keep up to date with all the news around cannabis and its uses? Then visit one of these cannabis fairs in Europe this year. It's the way to keep up to date with the latest developments, network or...

Growing mushrooms can be a good way to replenish your stock or get quality mushrooms at home. After all, they can be hard to come by. With one of our mushroom grow kits, growing these...

By now, we all know CBD and THC: two common cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. But most people will not yet have heard of HHC, hexahydrocannabinol. That won't last long, as HHC is becoming increasingly popular. Especially in...

Do you feel like celebrating life? To escape from everyday life for a few days and enjoy beautiful visuals in good company? Then get surprised and carried away on...

Catmint, also known as catnip for humans, can be found among our relaxing products and hallucinogenic herbs. If you have a cat of your own, you've probably envied how happy it became from a serving of catmint.

Voacanga Africana is the name of a tree in the rainforests of West and Central Africa. Its seeds and bark contain psychoactive substances with stimulating, aphrodisiac and sometimes even hallucinogenic effects.

A state of flow is an almost mythical feeling of being "in the now", where you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. When you are in flow, time falls away and everything seems to happen by...

Anyone who has ever delved into plant-based mind-altering substances is surely familiar with magic mushrooms, magic truffles and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. Syrian rue is not yet so well known. This is an herbaceous plant that grows in...

Many cannabis users are familiar with the phenomenon: that you get huge cravings for food when you have used cannabis. It's called the munchies. Some people don't...

That chocolate makes you happy, we all know. Yet, the chocolate bar as we know it has nothing to do with a cocoa ceremony. During such a gathering, you use raw cacao in a spiritual setting. The active substances of the cacao plant then reach their...

The word chakra means 'wheel' in Sanskrit. These so-called energy points have had a central place in Eastern religions such as Hinduism for many centuries. But you also come across them in the world of yoga. It is thought that the seven different chakras...

Mushrooms love heat and now that the weather is getting colder, they could use some extra help. After all, at low temperatures your mushroom growing kit suffers a lot. And that is not the intention...

The psilocybe truffle contains the same substances and active properties as the magic mushroom. The psychedelic magic mushroom is mainly found in the tropical regions of Mexico, Central and South...

Italy is a beautiful holiday country with beautiful cities where you can wander around for hours. People there are kind and open and you can enjoy art, culture as well as good food everywhere. But it...

Have you ever thought whether there is a difference between mushrooms and fungi? Whether you see a mushroom growing in the forest among the trees, or they are on your plate as part of a healthy meal...

Those who know him already know, but Wim Hof is known as an extreme person. He broke the craziest world records, such as sitting in an ice bath for almost two hours. But while he may be extreme, he...

Discovering your true inner nature? You can do that with transcendence! An age-old meditation technique - and also the most natural - to get to your inner self. Would you like to discover what it really means to be yourself? In this article we tell you all...

Are you a restless sleeper, having trouble falling asleep, or simply sleeping poorly? There are different types of sleep herbs that can help your sleep. We discuss some soothing and relaxing herbs in this article that you can use, so that you will soon...

Tripping on an empty stomach might sound a bit crazy. On the contrary, you would think that it is best to do this with a good base in your stomach - just like consuming alcohol. But when using...

Are you looking for a powerful and natural herb with which to achieve a euphoric or tripping effect? Then Happy Caps are perfect for you! Whether you enjoy a night out or need a pick-me-up after a miserable day, these caps will help boost your mood!

When the word drugs come to mind, most people probably think first of cocaine, speed or maybe cannabis. There is very little chance of anyone mentioning coffee. And yet caffeine is a drug, although a fairly unremarkable one. Because caffeine...

When we are tired, we also tend to be more irritable and cranky. Of course, we would rather avoid this. Fortunately, there are many herbs we can use to boost our energy so that we start feeling better again. Which herb is right for you...

Anxiety is a common problem that affects many people on a daily basis. It can take a number of different forms, including social anxiety and PTSD. Many people look for different ways to reduce their anxiety...

We have all heard of herbs that help us feel better. Sometimes they help us relax, other times they help us become more energetic. One such special herb is Ashwagandha. A particularly powerful herb with a special...

In the Netherlands, this mushroom is known as the Elfenbankje because of its colourful layers. We are talking about the Turkey Tail, also called Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor in Latin. Originating...

Kanna is a herb from South Africa traditionally used to reduce stress and improve mood. The herb contains a number of substances that stimulate the brain and reduce irritability. It is therefore sometimes called a “natural...

When you achieve an altered state of consciousness, it means that you perceive reality in a different way. Drugs are usually used for this, such as magic mushrooms...

When a full-spectrum CBD oil is used, it contains not only the well-known cannabinoid CBD, but also other substances found in the hemp plant, such as flavonoids, other cannabinoids and...

Green juices or smoothies are popular. They make it easier to get in super healthy green vegetables and all kinds of fruits. But if you grow your own cannabis, you can add something extra to your smoothie - cannabis leaves. They not only give your...

Would you like to find your own mushrooms in nature? That's not always such a good idea. It can be dangerous because there are very many mushrooms growing in the wild that all look very...

Mind-altering substances have been used in various rituals for centuries. Around the world, many shamans, and medics used psychedelic herbs to get in touch with spirits or gods. The herbs have been used...

Psychedelics are psychoactive substances that can alter states of consciousness, moods and thoughts. They make you experience the world differently from what you normally see and experience. Everything your senses can perceive...

You can of course eat magic mushrooms or truffles fresh, but chances are you would also like to save some for later. By drying magic mushrooms or truffles, you can store them for months without losing...

Underneath the mushroom are spores - also called the seeds of a mushroom. They are the reproductive cells from which fungi multiply and grow. On healthy mushrooms, they occur in huge populations. And these mushroom spores are much more...

The Chacruna is a well-known shrub that grows in the Amazon jungle. Not because it is so beautiful, but mainly because of its psychedelic effects. The leaves of the Chacruna are used to prepare the...

Do you want to grow mushrooms? Then it is vital that you choose the right substrate. After all, growing is not as easy as with marijuana plants, where soil from a garden centre is often sufficient. They need specific growing conditions, in which...

Lion's Mane is a spectacular-looking medicinal mushroom. Lion's Mane grows in compact bunches of long, downward-hanging white-yellow spines. These long strands resemble the mane of a lion...

You've probably heard of DMT, but what exactly is it? DMT, for instance, is the entheogenic active ingredient of ayahuasca. But did you know that DMT also occurs naturally in the human brain, right in the pineal gland? For a long time, it was...

MAOIs or with a difficult word, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. The word says it all: it inhibits something. But how exactly does this work? In this article, we'll tell you all about what an MAOI is and how they work. An MAOI is a substance that inhibits...

Are you curious about the psilocybin ratio in fresh magic truffles and fresh magic mushrooms? Or how much Psilocybin is in a one gram of fresh magic truffles or...

The Pink Lotus is an unusual aquatic plant with a rich history. It is a beautiful flower that has several names. Some speak of the Indian lotus or the sacred lotus and some simply stick to the pink lotus. But those who know this flower know that it has...

To get right to the point: several studies show that microdosing psilocybin helps with PTSD. It is common knowledge that mind-altering substances such as...

Have you ever smoked cannabis in a vaporizer? The vaporizer is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking cannabis or other herbs. Instead of burning cannabis, a vaporizer heats it...

Valerian is one of those medicinal plants that almost everyone has heard of. It is very popular and has been used for centuries. Valerian is known for its calming effect that you can take if you have...

The internet is an incredibly comprehensive source of information and more information is added every day. You can also find a mushroom DNA database online called Psilocydia. This is a genetic...

Do you use a dietary supplement? Then you are one of the many who do in the Netherlands. It is estimated that over 60% of Dutch people over the age of 17 regularly take a supplement. These can be vitamins, but also herbs, medicinal...

Most people are familiar with the vaporizer and the bong, but bubblers are not so well known. Still, it is worth getting acquainted with this device. In fact, a bubbler is small and portable and combines the features...

Cannabis has been a popular plant since ancient times because of the psychological and physical effects it brings. Several positive and medicinal properties are attributed to it. This is due to the active ingredients in cannabis, called...

How do you make your own cannabis extract? It's very easy. But you need to know exactly how to do it. You need to choose the right solvent and know how to extract cannabis safely and carefully. In this article, we will tell you all about how to...

Yopo is a very special and large green plant that produces an abundance of seeds that are highly psychoactive once prepared. Traditionally, it has been used for ceremonial purposes and...

Are you wondering which cannabis strain contains the highest percentage of THC and is the most potent in the world? New potent cannabis strains appear on the market every year, which...

Psilocybin truffle microdoses offer many benefits. Besides their many beneficial properties for (mental) health, they can also help you get more out of life by enhancing skills such as creativity...

Achieve a Moksha state with magic mushrooms? It is possible! This is liberation from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth that depends on karma. Wondering how to achieve this so-called Moksha...

The original Spanish Fly - also called cantharidin - is a popular aphrodisiac that comes in various forms. In powder, pills or liquid form. It is a sexual aphrodisiac to stimulate your aphrodisiac and boost...

Nowadays, in addition to the well-known CBD oil, you are seeing more and more products containing cannabidiol coming back. For example, various edibles are available with cannabidiol, including...

Kratom has become an increasingly popular psychedelic in recent years. Kratom is a very interesting plant that has very diverse effects. This special psychedelic is accessible for everyone...

Magic truffles contain the active substance psilocybin, which can alter states of consciousness, mood and thought. This substance is responsible for the psychedelic effects. In high doses...

Most people have heard of magic truffles or mushrooms, also known as truffles and psilocybin mushrooms. They have been used for thousands of years in different cultures, but unfortunately the sale of fresh (just harvested) magic mushrooms has...

A good balance between body and mind, you hear it more and more. With today's lifestyle, we increasingly create or find ourselves in stressful situations. We push the limits of our own abilities and always...

Among many young people, backpackers and lovers of the island Koh Phangan is now a big concept: the Full Moon Party. A huge party on the night of the full moon...

Did you manage to grow your first magic mushrooms from your psychedelic grow kit? Then now is the time to harvest your magic mushrooms! But how do...

When you are tripping on magic mushrooms, mescaline or hallucinogenic herbs, you can just sit back and relax. But it is much more fun to get more out of your trip and look for something fun to do. If you need some inspiration, read on...

The popularity of CBD oil has grown tremendously in recent years. And that is of course not for nothing! The vegetable CBD oil has a very positive effect on your body and mind. In this article, we will tell...

It is one of the best-known vitamins there is, vitamin C. It is an essential vitamin for keeping and maintaining our bodies in good health. This is often known, but nowadays, we don't get enough nutrients for a long time. Mainly because of our diet.

The Flower Power Culture was once hugely present in Indian Goa. In the '60s and '70s, India was a true hippie paradise and party destination of India. Hordes of young people visited the Indian state of Goa in...

Magic truffles come in all kinds and variants. They are the cousins of the magic mushrooms and, unlike the magic mushrooms, can be used completely legally in the Netherlands. Just like magic...

Growing mushrooms with a grow kit is really easy and also a lot of fun to do. But it is possible that things can go wrong if your kit becomes contaminated with bacteria or fungi. It is therefore important to always...

If you are curious about magic mushrooms and don't know much about them yet, you can experiment with fresh or dried magic mushrooms. But the question is how much you should take. Magic mushrooms...

More and more people today feel that they are awakening spiritually. And by spiritual awakening, we mean that you intuitively shift your attention from the outside in. So that your body and mind come into balance, and you learn to love yourself...

The largest living organism on Earth, what could it be? The answer will most likely surprise you. We are not talking about the 30-meter-long blue whale here, but about a fungus. Yes, you read that right, a fungus....

Perhaps the most wonderful time of the year, spring. The time when nature comes back to life, the days get longer and the weather conditions improve. The spring fever is coursing through our body, not...

A bong is often also called a water pipe, or a water pipe is a bong. It just depends on how you look at it. In any case, they are very similar, and often we mean the same thing, but in fact there are differences between the two. In appearance, they...

Ibogaine, a herbal and psychedelic drug, which was used in the past to help addicts of heroin, among other things. There are still many questions and uncertainties about this powerful herb today. The medical community is not yet in full...

Nowadays, the use of psychedelics for various disorders is no longer viewed so negatively, certainly not in the Netherlands. For example, there is the well-known...

Tripping is a unique experience that allows you to go on an inner adventure. Of course, you already take into account the place where you do it: you ensure good friends around you and also safety. You can enhance or deepen the experience...

Finally, it's that time again: you can party again this summer! We had to wait a long time for it, but on the other hand: the longer you wait for something, the more beautiful it will be. This year, you can...

We all know that smoking is harmful to your lungs and poses other health risks. And in case we have forgotten this, we are reminded of this when we look at the cigarette pack. In fact, anything you burn...

The history of the medicinal plant Wild Dagga, also known as lion's tail or wild cannabis, goes back thousands of years. This plant grows in the Southern regions of Africa and has been much loved by...

Today, we increasingly opt for natural products and solutions when we suffer from a flu or other ailment. And that is not surprising, because nature does a person good, both physically and mentally...

Today we know the medicinal properties of many plants, herbs and mushrooms. The same goes for the Chaga mushroom. A miraculous mushroom that is often used as an immune booster and has an...

Do you use a vaporizer but haven't cleaned it before? This can make your smoking experience not as pleasant as it was in the beginning. Whether you have a vaporizer for concentrates or dry herbs, or a vape pen, you should clean these devices...

Death is never far away. In fact, death is part of life, yet many people have a hard time accepting it. Death stands for an end. Then why bother with ego-death? Ego death stands for letting go of your own...

A wild or intense lovemaking? That's not a problem at all with muira puama. Say whut? Yes, read more about this miracle cure quickly and experience more intense lovemaking with this miracle cure. Let's read on soon...

Whether you use psychedelics yourself or are just curious, the world of psychedelics is fascinating. That is why it is always interesting to learn more about it. Mind-altering drugs can have a profound impact on you and probably even have health...

In this blog, we are going to talk about the unique seeds called “Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds”. What is it? And what exactly are the effects? In any case, it is becoming more and more popular...

In this blog, we discuss the differences between a bong and a shisha. In principle, they are fairly similar to each other, but there are also major differences, and they are used for completely different...

In the search for a healthier life, you might find yourself with so many herbal supplements or medicine choices to include in your diet. You may need to try more than one type of supplement to...

Poison lettuce is something we hear more and more often. You sometimes hear that it could have the same effect as cannabis. But is this true? What is poison lettuce, and how does it work? We looked it up for you...

Welcome to another new blog! This time we take you on libido enhancing products. Because what exactly are these products, how can it increase your libido, and is it widely used? This can of course be quite...

Cola nut is the seed of a tall tree of no less than 6 meters. This tree only grows in Africa, Jamaica, and Brazil. This Cola tree is famous as an alternative ingredient in Coca-Cola after cocaine was banned...

Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC are substances that are very similar. However, they are also very different from each other. We will take you along in this blog and tell you everything about these...

In this blog, we tell you everything about the Reishi mushroom. This special mushroom has a beautiful appearance and is known as the mushroom of immortality. You can guess that this mushroom has...

When you think of magic mushrooms, you probably immediately think of tripping. However, you don't always have to use magic mushrooms to get high, you can also use it for other purposes. A small amount...

Choosing a scale does not seem so important. But there is a lot of choice, and how do you know which scale suits you best? You may be using cannabis, magic mushrooms or truffles. A scale gives you the opportunity to accurately weigh how...

Lately, we hear a lot about Design drugs in the media and at parties. But what exactly are designer drugs? Why are they often still legal? What is she doing to you? And why can the use of these drugs be so dangerous? Let's take you into the world...

Mushrooms, we see them in many shapes and sizes. You'll find them in the forest, in a diet or as a tripping agent. But did you also know that mushrooms have a medicinal effect? We researched the benefits for...

CBD and THC both belong to the so-called ‘cannabinoids’. Although CBD and THC are both substances of the cannabis plant, these two cannabinoids are very different from each other. However, After reading...

Extraction systems are complete systems to extract substances from the cannabis plant. Psychoactive cannabis, which is rich in THC, is often used for this. By extracting an extract from, for example, a top...

It is often thought that if a huge cloud of vapour doesn't come out of a vaporizer, the vaporizer is of poor quality. But nothing is less true. In this blog, we tell you why it is good if a huge vapour cloud does not...

It's great that you want to get acquainted with magic mushrooms! As you may have seen on our website, we have a lot of different types of magic mushrooms. That's why, especially for you, in this blog our...

In this blog you can read all about ‘liquid cultures’ or 'liquid culture'. Liquid cultures are indispensable among the real magic mushroom connoisseurs and mycologists. It is used to grow potent magic mushrooms at home. In this blog we will tell you...

Ayahuasca is a much-discussed brew that is drunk during a spiritual ceremony. The power of Ayahuasca is to destroy the human ego. The ego often acts as an unnecessary line of defence. For many people the ego therefore stands...

Growing your own psilocybin mushrooms is not a difficult task, but it is a very painstaking job. Have you managed to successfully grow your own magic mushrooms? Then it is possible to...

The Huichol Indians live in the Mexican state of Jalisco and are particularly known for the Peyote rituals and ceremonies. They live in rough places that are difficult to...

Actually, the name says it all, an out-of-body experience (abbreviated OBE) is an experience in which body and mind come apart. A fascinating and astonishing phenomenon that can evoke various emotions. From frightening to...

You want to store your own cultivated magic mushrooms for the perfect moment, we understand that! Tripping on psilocybin mushrooms can be intense, and timing and setting are therefore extremely important...

The San Pedro is a beautiful mescaline cactus native to South America and known for being a strong hallucinogen. The active, psychoactive ingredient in this mind-altering and body-purifying cactus is...

Ayahuasca is one of the most famous herbal mixtures from the Amazon. The effects are very powerful, and the use goes back centuries. Because of the sometimes life-changing effects, it is certainly not suitable for a relaxed evening with friends.

When you walk through the forest on a sunny autumn afternoon, you will spot a lot of mushrooms! They pop up in all shapes and sizes. Imagen how it would be if you could cultivate your own outdoor...

The world of dreams is fascinating and mysterious. Some people wake up and can tell exactly what they dreamed. You hear about strange encounters, travelling through an eerie environment, or even that someone can fly.

There are many people who like to use cannabis before going to sleep. Weed can help you fall asleep a little easier. But the question is what exactly is the influence of cannabis on your night's sleep, and in particular on your dreams.

The sale of magic mushrooms has been banned since 2008. Would you still like to trip on the magical psilocybin substance? Then you can buy truffles or grow your own magic mushrooms! Growing magic...

The use of hallucinogenic herbs and psychedelics goes back centuries. It is still used as a guideline in ceremonies and rituals. Deep experiences with the help of psychedelics, where the perspective on...

Everyone is familiar with the “hangover”: the lousy feeling you can get from drinking too much alcohol. When you use marijuana, you may think that the advantage is that there is no hangover. But that is unfortunately not true...

The use of psychedelics goes back centuries and was mainly used for medicinal purposes. Going through magical rituals and ceremonies using psychedelic plants and mushrooms had a very strong...

Passion flower (Passiflora Incarnata) is a beautiful plant and can be recognized by its deep blue flowers. This creeper is praised not only for its beauty, but even more so...

Morning Glory is a very versatile and popular plant. Not only the beautiful brightly colored flowers steal the show, the seeds of the Morning Glory are also very popular. These seeds contain the...

Magic mushrooms have been used for thousands of years. The fact that they can open your mind and take you on an unprecedented trip is special enough. But there are many more fascinating facts...

Giggle, roar with laughter, being corny, anyone who has ever used weed will certainly have experienced the fits of laughter that go along with it. It doesn't take much to be all over with laughter...

Rapé is also called the sacred tobacco of the jungle. People mainly know the tobacco as Rapeeh, but officially you pronounce it as ha-peej. It is a composite of various plants that grow in the Amazon region...

The popularity of nicopods are increasing strongly. The so-called nicotine pouches can help smokers to get rid of their addiction. The pouch is the size of a piece of chewing gum and releases flavor...

The way we use cannabis today has completely changed. The market for extracts has exploded in recent years. While some types of hash have been around for years, many new concentrates have appeared on the market today...

Would you like to grow weed, but are you wondering if it doesn't require a major financial investment? When growing cannabis, many people think of bright lights, expensive irrigation systems and an excess of fertilizers. But growing weed...

What could be nicer than cuddling with your dog or getting cups from your cat? A pet can give so much to children, adults, and the elderly. They are a playmate, someone to tell your concerns, they are there to offer love and warmth when...

Do you see strange colors and textures on your mushroom grow kit? It is possible that you are suffering from a fungal contamination on the substrate or the mushrooms. The substrate in which...

Kratom is an effective and natural medication that can ease your pain and can also help you with getting rid of your drug addiction. Curious how Kratom can help you with that? In this article, we will...

The interest in alternative medicines to support your immune system is increasing day by day. Understandable, because who doesn't want a strong immune system? Let medicinal mushrooms have a major...

Can't get enough of the special taste and properties of cannabis? Of course, you can smoke weed, but there are many more options. Do you already know cannabis food? From the Dutch Hash Brownie to..

Tripping with drugs strengthens your existing emotions, changes your perceptions and your perception of time and space. Well-known tripping agents are LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine and 2C-B. Exactly how you experience the effects

Thanks to an accidental invention, the free spirits of the 1960s were able to fully enjoy psychedelic drugs like LSD. In 1943, the hallucinogenic effect of the drug LSD was accidentally discovered by chemist Albert Hofmann. However, if we take the theory...

Do you want to buy a bong but wonder which one will suit you the best? This is not surprising, nowadays they are manufactured in many shapes, size and materials. Do you want to switch...

Drugs stimulate your brain and have an effect on your body and mind. The effects can be stimulating or, on the contrary, anaesthetic. They change your behaviour, feeling, thinking, and mood. That is precisely why drugs are used by people...

Growing a mescaline cactus yourself is fortunately not difficult at all, and also a lot of fun to do. You don't need to know about growing plants or have a green thumb. Cacti are very hardy plants and can...

Psychedelics are powerful and versatile drugs. Think of synthetic drugs such as LSD and with natural psychedelics of magic mushrooms, cacti, or truffles. They are often used recreationally, but did...

CBD (aka cannabidiol) is the most well-known cannabinoid in CBD oil, but it is certainly not the only one. CBD oil contains more than 110 cannabinoids, each of which has its own unique properties.

Psilocybin and psilocin are the substances in magic mushrooms and truffles that provide the mind-altering effect they have on you. When you use a magic mushroom, these substances will interact with receptors in the brain...

There can be various causes for your sleeping problems. Stress in particular is a major culprit. It raises your heart rate, tension in your muscles, and it can keep you worrying all night long. There are...

Suppose, after hearing many enthusiastic stories, you also started using CBD, but what do you do if it turns out that CBD does not help? You had hoped it would help with your headaches or your sleeping problems. It is a fact that the effect of...

Would you like to combine magic mushrooms and cannabis? Using several types of drugs at the same time (polydrug use) is not uncommon. You can do this for several reasons, but usually it's done to...

Almost everyone knows the drink absinthe, but do you know exactly what it is? It is known for its bright green color and seemingly hallucinogenic effects. But absinthe is surrounded by myths and...

Welcome to our third Outdoor Cannabis Grow Report of the year. In my previous Outdoor Cannabis Grow Report we talked about the growth phase of the photoperiod plants and also the Purple Kush...

There are many mushrooms that you can grow and consume. One mushroom is a lot stronger than the other. This differs per species and per amount of psilocybin present in a single mushroom...

THC like CBD are the most known and active ingredient in cannabis. But did you know that when you take CBD candy prior before smoking your joint you can enhance your high!

Tripping on psychedelics can be an experience that can give your life a positive boost, change your view of everyday reality and help you move past fears or other barriers. Anyone who is curious about trip agents would do well to opt for...

Almost every smoker has smoked hash at some point. Some like it very much, others prefer weed. In the vast majority of cases, this hash is bought at the coffee shop. Many cannabis smokers and growers do..

The vision quest is not well known among western people, but it still plays a major role in the development of people among natural peoples. A vision quest can help to gain insight into a problem or...

Welcome to my second Outdoor Cannabis Grow Report of the year. In my previous Outdoor Cannabis Grow Report, we explained exactly how you can best start...

Although mushrooms are known for growing in shady spots in the forest, they do need light. If you want to grow mushrooms, it is a good idea to study...

Your immune system is very important for your health. If it does not function properly, you are more susceptible to external diseases. The immune system works with the organs to recognize and...

If you want to use cannabis, it is useful to know the differences between vaping and smoking. The use of vaporizers is becoming more and more popular, because it is clear that smoking has certain disadvantages...

It is great fun to grow your own magic mushrooms, but if you want to store the mushrooms for a longer period, you have to dry them. If you don't, they will grow old and become moldy within a few days.

If a friend has asked you to be a trip sitter, you can probably use some tips. A trip sitter involves more than just sitting next to someone who has taken a psychedelic. It is especially important that you are there if the trip does not go as planned.

Welcome to my Outdoor Cannabis Grow Report for this year. Most of your green hands will be itching to put something in the ground. In general, it is best to wait..

Can you become addicted to weed, just like alcohol or hard drugs, cocaine or meth? Everyone has an opinion: some claim that cannabis is just as bad as hard drugs and that your life is in danger if you use it. Another claims that you can't get...

Smoking weed from time to time is a wonderful trip to higher realms. But cannabis use can also have certain health benefits. Sometimes you would like to take advantage of those benefits without...

Can CBD be used as a pain reliever? When you suffer from chronic pain, you often have no option but to take painkillers. This makes it possible to control the pain, so that you can do your normal daily activities. Painkillers can be very effective...

Welcome to this blog about making a substrate for growing mushrooms, which covers all the necessary information about the different substrates and how to prepare them. If you are going to grow...

The well-known Molly, also called XTC (Ecstasy, E) or MDMA, belongs to the most popular (party) drugs among mainly the Western youth. What exactly are Molly, XTC and MDMA?

Spring has begun and that's fantastic news for the cannabis growers among us! The start of the outdoor growing season has arrived and choosing the right genetics is of enormous importance!

When using psychedelic drugs, most people think of magic mushrooms or weed, but did you know that you can also trip with cacti? This is not possible with every cactus, but with the Peyote and San Pedro cactus it is.

In this blog we take you on a journey back in time. We discuss how the Red Light District in Amsterdam came to be. The Red Light District in Amsterdam is located in the oldest part of Amsterdam...

Of course, you can just eat magic mushrooms, truffles or dryed mescaline cactus if you want to trip, but a cup of psychedelic tea can also take you to higher spheres. Making tea is not difficult, and it is yet another way to take your psychedelics.

Anyone can grow magic mushrooms at home, it is not very complicated and you do not need any special skills. You will need to keep an eye on your mushroom grow kit

With the herbs listed below you will quickly regain energy. They give you a boost, allowing you to perform better both physically and mentally. Sometimes you just need a little more support and why...

Every cannabis user and many non-users have heard of the famous Space Cake. Many coffee shops sell them in the form of cakes or muffins and even cookies. First of all, what is Spacecake? Space cake is a so-called cannabis "edible".

Being more creative, being able to concentrate better, thinking out-of-the-box, in short performing better at work is possible with microdosing. Taking miniscule amounts of psychedelics...

Cannabis Social Clubs Legalization without commercialization is it possible at all? It seems like a dream come true for many cannabis enthusiasts and in Europe as well. We are going to talk about Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain. Can Spain...

Growing magic mushrooms is not difficult at all with a grow kit. The great thing about using a grow kit is that you can produce multiple harvests. A magic mushroom grow kit can yield an average of 3 crops...

Do you want to fly through the universe just like Superman in search of Krypton? Well, everything is possible with the use of lucid dream herbs. With these herbs it is possible to consciously controle and experience your dreams...

Nowadays virtual payments are booming: every time you pay with your bank card, digital money is transferred. In that case you still pay with euros, so it is not cryptocurrency. The big difference with cryptocurrency is the fact that...

When vaping, most people think of the e-cigarette, but with a vaporizer you can also vaporize dry herbs. Not only can you then enjoy the effects of cannabis or passion flower, for example. It is also healthier, because no harmful gases are released...

Is kanna a natural remedy that can help against anxiety? Everyone is scared from time to time, you may be afraid of dogs, of fireworks or of a difficult conversation. These are fears with a clear cause and you only experience them occasionally.

Relaxation is something to cherish these days. Unfortunately, today's society sometimes makes us feel living under constant pressure, because of work, money matters and the care for family...

Due to corona most of the fairs have been canceled this year, but next year it will many interesting things on the program. These fairs are sometimes only for professionals, but there are also fairs...

There are many things that go well with a smoke or other THC-related stimulants. One of them is watching a movie. During an evening of chilling, there is hardly anything more fun than watching a good movie alone or with some friends and...

The cannabis plant has been used for thousands of years for its special properties. The plant contains a large number of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, which have beneficial properties for our body and mind.

The magical effects of magic mushrooms are famous and infamous, but what many people don't know is that magic mushrooms can also have health benefits. Studies have already been done and show...

Right now, I am fully enjoying the delicious Sensi Skunk buds that I have harvested before. However, my 'stock' is starting to shrink significantly. So it is time to harvest again. Fortunately I don't have to wait long.

Tripping on magic mushrooms is something you really look forward to, but eating them, often not. Most people are not fond of the taste, and that sometimes makes them want to avoid eating the mushrooms. There are plenty of ways to..

A grinder is a crusher, cruncher, crumbler or more simply a (weed) grinder that grinds your Cannabis (buds) into finer crumbs, granules or powder. Grinders come in all sizes, shapes, colors and materials

What is the power of meditation? Meditation is an age-old technique to calm the mind. Even before our era, there were philosophers who remarked how restless the human mind could be...

The world of magic mushrooms is a bit mysterious, but always fascinating. This is not only because of the influence they can have on you, but also because of their growth habit. Especially if you want to...

Enjoying your own 'homegrown' weed is really a wonderful feeling, everyone should actually be able to experience that. Cannabis is a gift from nature and should therefore have no restrictions. There is nothing more beautiful than...

If you are using or want to use psychedelics for the first time, this is a comprehensive explanation of what psychedelics are and what their effects are...

More and more people are discovering the power of cannabis edibles. These edibles include all food and drink that contains cannabis or hemp. Cannabis has been used for thousands of years, but is best known for its psychoactive effect...

The growth phase, growth period or also vegetative phase of the cannabis plant starts immediately after the germination and seedling phase of the plant. The cannabis plant remains in the growth phase as long as it is 18 hours...

In my previous report, you can read that I have germinated an extra Hollands Hoop seed, the Hollands Hoop # 2. This 'seed' is already a large plant and even longer than some other plants of mine that i...

Cannabis is a very beautiful plant (species) and, as mentioned above, the cousin (s) of the nettle. Cannabis is a one year old plant also called "seasons" plant. Under the right conditions, Cannabis can germinate, grow and flower very quickly...

After "growing", harvesting and drying my first self-grown mushrooms, I couldn't wait to test them. Since this will be my first experience with Psychedelics, I would like to have everything planned well...

This second Magic Mushroom grow report would be about my first harvest and the start of a new "grow" also called "flush". Just a quick reminder, so I have grown and harvested Golden Teacher Mushrooms.

After my first outdoor grow report, here's the second part of my outdoor cannabis grow report. Just a quick reminder: my outdoor cultivation consisted of 7 plants, these have now become 8, because...

My name is Mike and this is my second grow report for 24High. However, this grow report is not about Cannabis this time, but about Magic Mushrooms, also called (Magic) Mushrooms. I have no experience at all with growing mushrooms, but I managed to do it. Read in this blog how and see the photos...

First, let's clarify the law about Cannabis in the Netherlands and how to grow it. Cultivating Cannabis or "Growing" as this is also called is not (yet) legal. In the Netherlands we make a distinction between hard and soft drugs. Hard drugs are strictly prohibited and Soft drugs...

Hi, I'm Mike and this is my first grow report for 24High, and I would like to introduce myself to you. I am 25 years old, and I know a thing or two about outdoor cultivation. Cannabis is certainly not new to me, because I have been using cannabis...

The system that we know today emerged from the hippie times and the struggle for freedom, the so-called tolerance policy was introduced in 1976. At the time unique and the first in the world, the whole world declared us crazy...

You might like the movie Lucy with Scarlett Johansson. In this movie, Lucy has a bag of a new type of drug called CPH4 hidden in her stomach. When Lucy gets into a fight moments later, she gets a kick in the stomach that rips open the bag of drugs...

Nitrous oxide (N2O) or in the common language laughing gas and is used in the hospitals to give the patient a buzz. In a restaurant the chef uses these cartridges to whip cream or other creams and as a party-goer, it gives you a buzz of a short duration, about 1 - 5 minutes...

Every industry has its own characteristics, including the world of cannabis. The cannabis world is constantly evolving. New genetics are discovered almost every year. Cultivation techniques, nutrients, and equipment are...

Cannabis is the new trend in 2020! Science has made great strides and has now discovered that CBD can serve as a good supplement to keep your body and mind healthy. These discoveries go even further than a bit of extra vitamins.

Kratom, you may have heard of it. It is extremely popular in Thailand and for good reason. Kratom gives you a euphoric and happy feeling at a low dose. In addition, you get an energy boost. Not wrong for a pleasant afternoon.

The Indian Elements brand offers a diverse range of different spice mixes. These spice mixes all have one thing in common, they all aim to live a healthier life. For example, the herbal spliff mix of Indian Elements is a well-known tobacco substitute when rolling a joint. In this article we walk through all

Amsterdam is more than just the capital of the Netherlands, the beautiful streets and canals. Our city is also known for its lively cannabis culture, because say it yourself. Why would you not want to try a joint as a tourist, if you know that it's allowed and

Do you suffer from pain? Think about the medical effect of kratom. It has been a narcotic for years when it comes to pain relief in Southeast Asia. Kratom not only works against pain, but also against diarrhea, parasites and fever. Maybe Kratom is the right solution for you?

Practically everyone has fears. Yet there is a group of people who have lived without any fear for years. The secret behind this fearless existence? Kanna, also known as sceletium tortuosum. Kanna reduces anxiety, stress and can even help with depressive complaints.

When former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson tried 5-MeO-DMT for first time , he said; it knocked me off the ground and dramatically changed my life. "I came across 5-MeO-DMT. I smoked it and I've never been the same, I look at life...

We're all familiar with the trip that magical truffles or magic mushrooms can give. These hours-long of experience, sometimes brings you new insights and can change your outlook on life. 5-MeO-DMT does this in about 20 minutes. A recent European study found that...

The plant of life company is one of the market leader in CBD. In 2010, CBD was first extracted from cannabis plants by Plant of Life in Amsterdam. Since then, the company has remained fully focused on the creation of CBD. And we Dutch people have certainly played a role in this process. In 2010, the company Plant of Life was launched. They fully focus on the production of CBD,

As a young child, I had all my doubts about that big, fat man with a white long beard, dressed in his red-white robe flying through the air in a sledge drawn by reindeer who didn't even have wings, bs! If I read this sentence back, it's only logical that my doubts were well founded. The answer to questions such as why does these reindeer fly, why does that fat man sink

Nowadays, the term 420 is getting more and more popular on the internet. For instance, you have 420 proof, 420 free, 420 hostel, 420 time, 420 blaze etc... I have been a real pot smoker all my life, but I never heard of this legend until 3 years back. I decided to book a trip to Jamaica on my one. From the thought that a real pot smoker should have visited Jamaica at least once in his life,

Its so damn annoying that you can't sleep when you want to. You must get out of bed early or maybe you will have a long day ahead, so getting up tired is a no go. Sleeping on time and 8 hours is so important for your health. Relaxation exercises will help before going to sleep. Let me present to you these tips and exercises to fall asleep.

We all have to deal with stress in our daily lives. These occur often when multiple things that has to be done at the same time. In some cases, this stress may also persist for a longer period. For example, financial worries or high pressure at work. Prolonged stress, will be noticed in your eyes in a way that you will have a blurry and less good vision. This will be temporarily.

Do you need more energy in life? Are you sick of being tired all day long? I've gathered 6 tips for more energy for you that totally change your life. Read down below and find out if you need to adapt your lifestyle to gain more energy out of life.

The use of XTC began to gain popularity in the Netherlands in the nineties. Pounding beats, symphonical and elekrtonic melodies were a trend that was accompanied by the use of ecstasy. Over the years, House music began to take an aggressive and harder form. Number of beats per minute doubled just like the usage of XTC.

Curious about what magic truffles are and where they come from? Well, you've come to the right place. We are going to explain exactly what magic truffles are and where they come from. Magic truffles are not truffles at all. Magic truffles grow underground and are mycelium thickening of psilocybe mushrooms. The official name for magic truffles is sclerotia.

Do you want a faster and fiercer effect from your magic truffles? Then choose to turn your magic truffles into truffle tea. An additional advantage is that you don't suffer from a bad taste when you consume the truffles. To make a truffle tea, use the same amount of truffles as if you were to eat them. With this recipe you can make tea out of your magic truffles.

Curious about the amazing results of microdosage? Then it's important to know how to successfully plan microdosage in your daily life. With the microdosage routine below, you will benefit from all the advantages of microdosage. The microdosage routine consists of a cycle of 8 to 10 weeks, in which you repeat the routine of 3 days continuously. This routine comes from James Fadiman.

Are you going to use mushrooms for the first time? Then it is wise to read through these 9 golden tips before you start your first mushroom trip. They ensure that you are going to make the best possible trip, and let's be honest, we all do it for that, right? These 9 tips will help you get a great psilocybin experience great magical journey.

Every trip is different with magic truffles. Sometimes a truffle is more intense than the other. The difference depends on with the type of truffle you choose and the amount you consume. To indicate how deep you are tripping, there are several trip levels that you can reach. We have divided the range from a mild trip to a heavy trip into levels from 1 to 5. A mild trip starts at level 1 and a level 5 trip is a heavy trip.

Do you feel that you no longer have the strength to go out and do things? But what if I tell you that there is a way to help you, where only a few people know of. Something that has been in development for a few years now in Silicon Valley and all over the whole world. Not only does it give you more energy, but it also increases your problem-solving ability, your creativity, and your sense of life.

Have you heard about the success stories that can be achieved with microdosing? Then you might want to know what kind of drugs you can start with microdosing with? There are several substances that can help you get more out of life than you are doing right now.

Do you want to get more out of life? Then microdosing with magic truffles might be the thing for you. It may sound exciting, magic truffles, but there is a lot of research going on, and the results are promising. More creativity, less stress and a sharper concentration. These are all characteristics of microdosing with magic truffles. Interesting of course.

Magic truffles are great for a magical psychedelic trip. In the ultimate magic truffle guide you will read all about buying, choosing, using and growing magic truffles. After reading this guide you will know how to get the best trip and which magic truffles to buy. The ultimate magic truffle guide consists of several chapters that answer all your questions about truffles.

The sale of magic mushrooms is no longer allowed in Netherlands. What a pity. But growing mushrooms private at home is still allowed in the Netherlands. Don't worry, shrooms grow childishly easy. Make no mistake either, from a grow Kit you can get more than one harvest. This allows you several times tripping on one grow Kit

Sometimes it can occur that a seed doesn't germinate. This is a growers or cultivater worst nightmare. The way of germination influences the cannabis seeds to open up. There are several ways to let your seed sprout but as far as I'm concerned there is only one way that works the best and that's the first...

Feminized cannabis seeds are designed to produce only female plants. This is ideal because male plants, do not produce flower buds and posses little THC. Usually, a cannabis seed can develop into a male or female plant; the entire process is determined by the sex expressing X and Y chromosomes. "Feminization" is a process

Anadenanthera Peregrina (Yopo) is a genus of trees, of which some contain variable concentrations and proportions of DMT,bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT in their seeds. The use of Yopo goes back thousands of years. There are more than 55 South-The American tribes with the use of Yopo known. Yopo sniff(cohoba) is usually blown through a tube by a person in the nostrils of

Everywhere in the world, there are psychoactive mushrooms. The most famous among psychonauten and shamans is the Psilocybe cubensis from Mexico. But also the Dutch kaalkopje (Psilocybe semilanceata) and the Copelandia cyanescens from Asia, the Philippines, and Hawaii contain a high concentration of the active ingredient psilocybin.

Entheogen means 'from the god in ourselves'. There are many entheogenic substance still used today by ancient tribes and nations. First recording of usage were discovered and dates back from hundreds to thousands of years ago. In the eastern beliefs/spirituality, the use of an Entheogenic substance helps with opening the third eye.