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Last updated on: 25 May 2023
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Those who know him already know, but Wim Hof is known as an extreme person. He broke the craziest world records, like sitting in an ice bath for almost two hours. But while he may be extreme, he is definitely not crazy. In fact, the Wim Hof method is becoming more popular by the day. For many people, his method has changed their lives. Therefore, in this article, we dive into the health benefits of the Wim Hof method.

Who is Wim Hof?

We also know Wim Hof as "The Iceman" from the Netherlands. He has broken records several times withstanding extreme cold. For example, he swam under a thick layer of ice at the North Pole, dressed in nothing more than swimming trunks. Several times he has stood for minutes up to his chin in a bowl of ice cubes. And has climbed most of Mount Everest in shorts and sandals.

You can call him crazy, but with these extreme actions he does show that he stands behind his method. After all, he hypothesises that our bodies have a natural tendency to activate more brown adipose tissue at low temperatures to produce more body heat. His method should make people more resistant to cold.

What is the Wim Hof method?

The Wim Hof method originated from a belief of Wim Hof himself. Namely, he is convinced that we humans can influence our nervous system with mental abilities. This by combining breathing techniques, cold exposure and the right mindset. He is also convinced that every disease has its origin in an immune system out of balance. According to him, 90% of all diseases can be cured by bringing balance back into your body. A conviction now shared by many. And not without results: many people have seen their lives change since using the method.


The health benefits of the Wim Hof method

The Wim Hof method brings many benefits. Both physically and mentally, it makes a big impression on many people. Here are the main health benefits for you:

  • It strengthens your immune system
  • Your nervous system starts working better and more flexibly. As a result, your body learns to switch better between exertion and relaxation.
  • It inhibits inflammation and helps deacidify your body
  • Provides mental strength and focus
  • Makes you more energetic and happier

Adding the method to your daily routine

The Wim Hof method consists of three parts: breathing techniques, cold exposure and your mindset. You can easily add all three parts to your daily routine.

1. Breathing techniques

Start by using breathing techniques daily. On YouTube, he has many videos you can follow. Through these techniques, you create peace in your mind. Good breathing gives you better focus and sharpness. It also gives a better balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body. This results in optimal acidity – and good fitness.

2. Exposure to cold

Once you have your breathing under control, you can start exposing your body to cold. For example, you can end your shower session every day with a cold shower. This works great for your physical and mental health. Among other things, it increases your resistance, reduces stress, boosts your blood circulation and gives you more energy. You can also go one step further by regularly taking an ice bath.


Actually the basis of all two parts. The right focus and determination will ensure that you achieve your goals. Only with the right mindset are you ready to explore and optimise your own body and mind.

Wim Hof method and microdosing

Microdosing in itself brings many benefits. For instance, it works positively on your mental state, increases creativity and focus, and reduces your perception of pain. When combined with the Wim Hof method, the benefits can reach even further. For example, it can:

  • Further, strengthen your awareness and connection to the present moment. With your breathing, you can shift your attention to the now. With microdosing, you can boost this and create heightened awareness, so to speak.
  • It can support or reduce uncomfortable or heightened emotional states. Using good breathing techniques during microdosing can make you feel more in control of your emotional states.

It can reinforce a particular thought, emotion or feeling. Breathing exercises can support or enhance any intention during microdosing