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Recovery & Detox & Tripstopper

Do you want your body to be healthy and fit again? Then we offer you the solution here with detox products, anti-hangover products and even trip stoppers. So if you want to recover quickly after drinking alcohol or using drugs then you've come to the right place.

Kleaner Bottle 30 ml - (Cleans oral cavities)
Kleaner Mouth & Bodyhygiene - 100 ML
Kleaner Urea Synthetic Urine
Kleaner Mouth & Body hygiene - 1 dose
Kleaner Cleaning Cloth
Recover E Happy Caps
Recoup E Happy Caps
Refresh Sober Up - 30 pieces
Refresh Quick Flush - 30 pieces
Chlorella - 240 pieces
Spirulina - 240 pieces
Detox and Afterparty
Pocket Handgel Plant Of Life
Open Your Eyes
After C
After E
Cannabis Hygienic Hand Gel - Plant of Life

Order Detox products online

Detoxing has become a well-known term. Especially for people who want to have a healthy and fit body. There are different ways to detox and there are also products that can help with this. In our webshop you can detox tea to help you cleanse your body of toxins. You can easily order and buy these detox products online.


Drinking too much alcohol Detox with an anti-hangover pill (Paraxine)

Detoxing after alcohol use is a quick way of recovery. We all look too deep into the glass sometimes. It's just a little too cozy on that one birthday or at the festival you decided to drink just a little more than you had intended. Fortunately, there are plenty of detox products that help to break down the alcohol faster and eliminate all toxins as quickly as possible. Detoxing with a hangover pill prevents you from having a huge hangover the next day. With a simple anti-hangover pill, you are less bothered by the alcohol you have drunk.

Recover faster from drugs by Detoxing

Not only alcohol can give you a hangover, drugs can certainly do that too. For example, using  MDMA, Cocaine or other substances at a festival or from cocaine. We therefore always advise you to test. After C (Cocaine) and After E (Ecstasy) help your body detox faster and recover more easily after a wild night out. This prevents you from lying in bed all day watching cartoons the next day. After a good party you can also make something fun for the next day with the help of these detox products. So you no longer throw away the entire weekend in which you passed.



Do you ever use magic mushrooms, magic truffle, Yopo, LSA seeds, Mescaline Cacti or other pschydelica? Then it is smart to always have a trip stopper at home. No one can guarantee you that you will have a great, fantastic and pleasant trip. If you unexpectedly end up in a bad trip, you really do yourself a favor by taking a tripstopper. This will stop your trip faster and make it less intense while the trip is working out. Still nice when you feel so bad and can't get out.

Why Detox tea

But even if you have not used drugs or alcohol, it is good to regularly detox and strengthen your body with, for example: medicinal herbs. Detoxing with tea is therefore popular. It helps your body become clean from the inside out. Just get rid of all the toxins and continue with a clean, fit, strong and nice body. It gives you many benefits to detox. You will feel reborn with Landracer Detox tea.

Do not suffer from drugs and alcohol the next day with Detoxing

It's no surprise that drugs and alcohol make for a great night. They are therefore both eagerly sought after in the Netherlands. However, with the use of drugs and alcohol, you also ingest a lot of toxins. This has to fight your body, and you can help your body with that. With detoxes, but also with vitamins that help the toxins leave your body as quickly as possible. In addition, these products also supplement your deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. The detoxes will make you feel fit again faster, and you will suffer less from the hangover from alcohol or drugs.

detox your body

How I Detox My Body

Taking detox tea is just one of the options for detoxing. There are more ways to detox that. You can also take capsules to detox. These are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals that help you detox your body from the inside. After all, anything that does not contribute to a healthy body may leave your body as soon as possible. With detox capsules, you can achieve this quickly and easily without having to change your whole life.

Detox and faster recovery using medicinal mushroom tinctures

The medicinal mushrooms that we offer have a very strong and positive effect on regulating, supporting and protecting the immune system! In addition to these three properties, each medicinal mushroom species contains many other healthy effects for the body and mind. How this medicinal mushrooms makes that they are included in the ancient Chinese medicine TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Why detoxing is so important

You only have one body and this one will take you as far in life as you take good care of it. Therefore, make sure that your body is strong and vital. For this, you eat healthy, and you exercise regularly. Yet, everyone ingests toxins. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about this, but you can do something about it. Detoxing is the way to ensure that these toxins leave your body quickly so that the least possible damage is done to the resistance which in turn leads to a healthy and vital body. Detoxing for vitality!

magic mushrooms

With psychedelics, you experience virtually no hangover

Hallucinating herbs or other psychedelics, people experience now or a very mild hangover. These are just some of the benefits of psychedelics. A great night doesn't always have to end with too much booze and not climbing the stairs. A good trip with psychedelics can give you a lifetime experience without a nasty hangover!

Detox your mind with relaxing herbs

Relaxation is extremely important for a healthy lifestyle. Take some time for yourself to relax in the hectic pace of today's society. Many people are unable to relax for a while. We offer herbs and products and to regain inner peace. Try one of our relaxation products and experience what it's like to really chill out.

Order Detox anti -hangover pills online

You can easily buy a trip stopper, anti-hangover pill, After-C, After-E, or a detox capsule from home via the internet. Buying online is easy and fast, and even more important. We deliver throughout Europe, and within 48 hours to all towns and cities throughout the Netherlands! See our smartshop for several exciting or healthy herbs and extracts.