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Last updated on: 11 March 2024
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Have you ever done truffles or magic mushrooms at home, or somewhere in nature with friends? Or are you completely new to this field and ready for your first spiritual experience with these natural trip aids? Then definitely consider participating in a spiritual mushroom or truffle ceremony. Indeed, with the right setting and guidance, you can experience a deep and meaningful trip that will stay with you all your life. Here, we tell you all about what such a ceremony looks like and what to look out for when picking the right provider.

What does a spiritual mushroom or truffle ceremony look like?

What you do during a spiritual mushroom or truffle ceremony can vary depending on the guidance and location. Usually, though, they all have the same approach: helping you with self-discovery and personal or spiritual growth. Usually, several participants take part in a ceremony - however, there are also providers who can guide you individually. Of course, the latter often comes with a bigger price tag.

A big advantage of taking part in a ceremony is the fact that experienced guidance is present. They can help you enormously in creating a safe environment when tripping. And that will ensure that you can get everything out of a trip. After all, you don't have to worry about the atmosphere or what to do if it turns out to be too much for you. Read here what such a ceremony normally looks like, so you know exactly what to expect.

Preparing for a magic mushroom or truffle ceremony

When you sign up for a magic mushroom or truffle ceremony, you will often receive information and tips beforehand. That way, you know exactly what to expect from this ceremony. Think about things like how long it takes, how big the group is, who your guides are and how you can prepare yourself mentally, physically and practically.

For instance, it is advisable to make sure your stomach is as empty as possible on the day of the ceremony, to let the psychedelics do their work. So don't go out for an extensive lunch just beforehand, as this will make the trip less effective. Also, you will almost always be asked to think about the 'why' of your trip. What is the intention with which you start this inner journey?

Location and guidance

The location is often well-thought-out. It should be a comfortable and quiet space, where you are not exposed to stressful stimuli. Chances are you will end up in a bright room with lots of cushions and good mood lighting. Nature also provides a good setting for a healing trip. Accompanying such a ceremony are shamans or other experienced masters of ceremonies. They are not only familiar with magic mushrooms and truffles themselves, but also know how to make participants feel at ease.

Your inner journey

After getting acquainted with guidance and the other participants, it's time to start your inner journey. You will be given a dose of magic mushrooms or truffles that is right for your purpose and body, probably in tea or snack form. Now it's waiting for the effects to kick in, which usually happens within half an hour to a whole hour. In total, you are under the gun for about three to six hours. In the process, you can reach different trip levels, from mild effects to reality-altering trips. Read all about what trip levels there are and what to expect.

During such a ceremony, you do not sit quietly on your mat, but there is often room for music, singing and other rituals. These enhance the experience and make it a whole lot more spiritual.

After your trip

Once you have landed back on earth, it is time for reflection. Participants look back on the trip and share their experiences with the group if they wish. Depending on the provider you choose, rituals or individual reflection of what you have learned will follow. Many providers offer the space for aftercare, so you can make the most of the experience and apply the lessons in your daily life.

Where can I participate in magic mushroom and truffle ceremonies?

Good to know is that it is currently legal in our country to participate in spiritual ceremonies with magic mushrooms and truffles. However, these organisations must adhere to strict regulations. Yet, it is not always easy to see which organisations follow these regulations and which are a bit loose with them. Therefore, here are some tips to find a reliable provider:

  1. Ask experienced psychonauts in your area for tips. You will certainly know people who have participated in a ceremony, or have acquaintances who have a lot of experience in this. Feel free to approach them with your questions, they will be happy to help you!
  2. Google is your friend. Check the websites of providers of spiritual ceremonies with magic mushrooms and truffles carefully, and pay attention to whether they mention certain criteria and regulations. Also do a quick online search for reviews and news stories about the organisation. That will get you a long way.
  3. Pay attention to the qualification of counselling services. Do they have a good reputation or are psychologists, for example? Then chances are they can provide you with the right guidance on your trip.
  4. Want to go abroad? Then research not only what places others recommend, but also what risks are involved. In some countries, such ceremonies are big business even though they are officially illegal. Weigh up whether it is worth the risk.