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San Pedro Cutting Monstrosus 25 - 35 cm

San Pedro Cutting Monstrosus 25 - 35 cm
Afbeelding 2

€ 29,95 (Incl.VAT)
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The San Pedro Monstrosus (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a unique and rare mutant of San Pedro cactus. Its strange shape is due to its ribs growing unevenly. Because of this special development and appearance, this Mescaline cactus species has been called "Monstrose". Not a classic star shape with a cross section like the other San Pedro species. This Monstrosus cactus has a different appearance than its relatives but contains the same amount of Mescaline. The effect of the Monstrosus is powerful to extreme and requires guidance during use. Mescaline cacti are not party drugs! The use of Entheogenic agents such as Mescaline cacti goes back millennia. Indigenous peoples in South and Central America use these unique cacti for spiritual unfoldment but also to lighten deep-seated emotional charges.

The Effects of Mescaline San Pedro Monstrosus

Users report that the ego plays an important role in your trip on Mescaline. San Pedro is all about holding up a mirror of your ego. If you have self-knowledge then you will recognize this image and the trip will go differently than if you do not know who you are at all. The latter may turn the perception of your contemporary life upside down.

The following effects will emerge while using San Pedro Monstrosus:

  • Change of perception, perception of the world changed during a ritual.
  • Vision much more colorful and intensive.
  • Objects are contoured, distorted or emit light.
  • Change of time and space, the space adapts to the trip (one time it seems bigger, other times smaller).
  • Time seems to stand still during a trip.
  • Increase sensory perceptions (synesthesias), music is seen, a photo comes to life and sums of objects feel differently.
  • Sensitive to changing moods. Gaining insights into your own life or an increase in life wisdom.
  • Undergoing a magical or religious experience.
  • Deep-rooted underlying problems may arise with the use of San Pedro Mescaline express itself and be addressed by your own insights during the trip.
  • San Pedro will enrich your mental and spiritual way of thinking with wisdom.
  • Mescaline San Pedro Monstrosus is not recreational drugs

You don't take the San Pedro cactus for fun. No, this is a very powerful spiritual Entheogen. The San Pedro will use all its powers such as violent hallucinations and visions to show you who you are and what you encounter. Most hallucinations or visions contain meanings related to you. Heavily charged emotions will emerge. Not being able to run away from your feelings is the order of the day here. Cleansing of the soul, cleansing and removing negative charges that are carried a whole life. We therefore always recommend that you only take San Pedro if a companion is present.

What makes the San Pedro Monstrosus Psychedelic?

Mescaline is a psychedelic alkaloid found in nature. The Mescaline alkaloid is very similar to the body's neurotransmitter epinephrine (adrenaline). Because of this similarity, the psychedelic chemical compound of Mescaline can bind to serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain. This binding process causes the psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects. In addition to Mescaline, there are many other substances in the San Pedro cactus that play a somewhat smaller but also an active role after ingestion of the San Pedro cactus.

How do you prepare the Mescaline San Pedro Monstrosus cactus for consumption?

The San Pedro Monstrosus can be used in various ways. The traditional preparation method is to cook the pieces of cactus for a long time to which some herbs are added. With a dried cactus it is important to chew well and slowly and the pieces are ground into a fine mixture. You could consume the powder right away, although it will lead to stomach cramps. To avoid this, it is wise to make a drink from the San Pedro.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Work hygienically and put on gloves. 
  2. Remove the thorns.
  3. Make a cut along the entire length from top to bottom between the ribs.
  4. Peel off the transparent shell from top to bottom of the green tissue and if necessary grate the pulled green from the peeled skin.
  5. Now the San Pedro Cactus is bare and ready to cut into slices of about 1 cm thickness.
  6. Place the 1 cm thick San Pedro pieces in an oven at 50 ° C until the cork feels dry.Of course you can also choose to let the San Pedro discs dry in the sun.
  7. Grind the dried discs into a fine powder (The San Pedro can now also be consumed but will often lead to stomach cramps this way).
  8. Do it San Pedro powder in one pan with water and let it boil for several hours. When boiling, the active substances are dissolved in the cooking water.
  9. Then pour the water into another larger pan (pan 2).
  10. A paste remains in pan 1. Fill pan 1 with water again.
  11. Repeat steps 8, 9, and 10, a total of 4 to 5 times
  12. Test the paste in pan 1 if it still tastes bitter repeat the process of points 8 and 9 again until all bitter taste has disappeared from the Mescaline paste pan 1.
  13. Then reduce the contents of pan 2 so that about 1 liter of water remains.
  14. Strain the contents of pan 2 before drinking it.
VERY IMPORTANT: Use a fine strainer when draining the contents of pan 2 before consuming because you don't want to drink a stray thorn.

Dosages Mescaline San Pedro Monstrosus cactus

A piece of cactus 25 to 30 cm long approximately corresponds to an average trip dose.

  • 150 - 300 mg light to medium trip
  • 300 - 400 mg strong trip, +/- 6 to 12 hours
  • 450 - 500 mg extreme trip, +/- 12 hours
  • 500 - 600 mg dissolving the ego, trip +/- 24 hours

Caution when using Mescaline San Pedro Monstrosus

Mescaline substance contained in the cactus can be hazardous to health when combined with certain medications, alcohol or MAO inhibitors. Are you taking any medications? Always consult your doctor first and read the package leaflet of your medication to avoid health risks. Also do not use the San Pedro if you have psychological problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Handle this unique cactus responsibly and do not participate in traffic when using it.

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