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Last updated on: 25 May 2023
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Of course you can just eat magic mushrooms, truffles or mescaline cactus if you want to trip, but a cup of psychedelic tea can also lift you to higher spheres. Making tea is not difficult and it is yet another way to take your psychedelic drugs. Here are 5 tripping tea recipes that are easy and quick to make.

1. Cannabis tea

Perhaps the most famous way to get high: cannabis. But did you know that it can also make a nice tea? The big advantage of having a cup of tea is that you don't have to inhale the smoke. That is healthier anyway, but can also be a good idea if you have a cold or the flu. 


  • ½ grams of cannabis
  • 350 ml water
  • 1 tea bag (flavor you like)
  • ½ teaspoon of butter
  • Honey or sugar to taste

You will need this further:

  • Paper tea bag or tea infuser
  • Saucepan
  • Cup
  • Grinder

This is how you make the tea

Set the water for the tea in the saucepan. Put the cannabis(hemp tea) in the grinder and then mix in the butter. In this way, everything is well covered with fat. Add the regular tea from the tea bag to the mix, stir well and put this mixture in a new tea bag or a tea infuser. When the water boils, hang the tea bag in the pan. Let the tea steep for half an hour while you keep the water boiling. Then take out the bag and pour the tea into your cup. Add honey or sugar to taste. Enjoy!

cannabis tea

2. Magic mushroom or truffle tea

Most people don't like eating magic mushrooms or truffles. It may well make you nauseous, which is due to the psilocybin. However, if you make a tea with it, it will be a different story. Often magic mushroom or truffle tea solves the problem of the nausea. Give it a try with the recipe below.


  • Mushrooms or truffles (as many as you normally use)
  • Water
  • Honey

You will need this further:

  • Tea infuser or tea bag
  • Sieve
  • Large pan
  • Cup
  • Wooden Spoon

This is how you make the tea

Put on a large pot of water and bring it to a boil. Then let it cool down for a while. Break the magic mushrooms or truffles into pieces (this will enlarge the surface). Put the pieces in the tea infuser or tea bag and hang it in the water. Let it steep for 15 minutes and stir frequently. When the tea is ready, you can strain it if necessary. Pour into the cup and add honey to taste.

psychedelic tea

3. Mescaline tea

The San Pedro and the peyote cactus are both highly psychoactive. Mescaline can also cause nausea, but this is usually less with tea. So it's worth giving that a try. The effect starts after 1 to 2 hours.


  • A piece of Peyote or San Pedro cactus from 15 to 30 cm

You will need this further:

  • Cutting board
  • Ladle
  • Large pan
  • Hand blender or blender
  • Saucepan
  • Knife
  • Timer
  • Cup

This is how you make the tea

You need a little more time for this tea. Cut the cactus into slices or pieces so that you can grind them up with a blender or hand blender. Use 15 cm for 1 person, 30 cm for when you are with a group. Puree the cactus and check that there are no lumps in it. Pour the mass into the large pan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 4 to 5 hours. Add some water to prevent it from burning.

After a few hours of cooking, the end result is a slimy mass. Now take the smaller saucepan and use a coffee filter to filter the mixture into the pan. You can dispose of what is left (a thick paste). The moisture in the pan is the basis of your cactus tea. You can drink this straight away, but you can also reheat it in the pan and drink it warm.

mescaline tea

4. Blue Lotus tea

This tea was already drunk in Ancient Egypt during sacred rituals. We now like to use it because of its hallucinatory effects, but also because it provides pleasant relaxation. This is an easy tea to make.


  • 5 grams of Blue Lotus
  • 450 ml water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of honey to taste

You will need this further:

  • Saucepan
  • Tea bag
  • Cup

This is how you make the tea

Place the Blue Lotus in the tea bag. Bring the water to a boil in the pan. Turn off the heat and hang the tea bag in the water. It can infuse for about 10 to 20 minutes. When the tea is ready, you can add lemon juice or honey. Pour the tea into the cup and enjoy the effects of the Blue Lotus.

blauwe lotus tea

5. Kanna tea

Kanna is a South African shrub popular with people suffering from depression or stress. Kanna can help improve your mood and has a relaxing effect. You can take it as an extract or as a powder.


  • Kanna (fresh or dried)
  • Lemon
  • 350 ml water
  • Honey to taste

You will need this further:

  • Saucepan
  • Sieve
  • Cup

This is how you make the tea

Bring the water to a boil in the pan. Squeeze the lemon above the water, this ensures that the kanna is better dissolved. Add the kanna and cook for 15 minutes. Keep stirring continuously. When the tea is ready, strain the water as you pour it into your cup. Add honey to taste.