Safe Test Ecstasy - 30X
SMARTSHOP -> Test for drugsThis is a unique drug test with which you can test ecstasy in a simple way. With the Safe Test X Marquis Reagent you can detect the presence of eg XTC, Speed, DXM, Phenethylamines (eg: 2C-B). This product of gives a clear and very pure result. We do not encourage anyone to use drugs. We advise anyone who wants to give a drug a try to test the drugs before they cause undesirable harm or even a potential health hazard. This product gives a clear and very pure result.
- Place 1 drop of test liquid on a small amount of your drug. Compare with the enclosed color chart.
- Within a few moments which substances are present in your drug
- The liquid is for max. 30 tests
Storage advice
Keep this product in a dark cool place such as a kitchen cupboard and out of reach of children.
Safe Test Ecstasy - 30 (drops) Tests.
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